xferlogDB -------------------------------------------------------- by Brian Christensen - brian@jordhulen.dk - http://www.jordhulen.dk/xferlogDB ABOUT: A PHP/MySQL tool for analysing xferlog and glftpd.log from glftpd. xferlogDB reads the log files from glftpd and adds the data to a MySQL database. The rest is done by PHP scripts. It's testet with glftpd log files. INSTALL: Required a MySQL/Apache server running (with PHP support) and read access to the glftpd log file - create a database on your MySQL server (eg. xferlogdb) - create the tables, use the 'xferlogdb_tables.sql' script - copy the PHP scripts and the 'styles.css' to a folder on your webserver - edit the 'dbconnect.php' (the 'xferlog', 'glftpd.log' file path, the ftp site root and MySQL user/passwd/host) - that's it USAGE: Use the "Update xferlogDB" link to add data to the database If you know PHP, feel free to edit the scripts - if not let me know if you need more features. You can use the "update.php" script in a cron job to update your database