Here is a long-awaited public release of my preing system, version 1.0. I decided to release
it publicly after a number of requests from different people. It features a set of scripts
which enable you to configure them only once and after that all the changes are being done
through site commands such as "site addaffil", "site delaffil", "site listaffils", "site pre".
This system can handle mp3, musicvideos, iso (any kind of iso) and 0day affils. You have an
ability to execute a certain script on the release right before the pre is a done, a kind
of "pre-script" if you want :)
The reason why I did this script was that I wanted something simple and yet functional. Something
which will let the siteops add/remove affils while the scripter or people with the shell access
are away. It's also quite comfortable that you don't need to go and change things through the shell
whenever you want to make changes to your affils. It's not too complicated to set and use as
f00-pre and some other publicly available advanced pre systems (there are only a few of them).
This script was meant in the beginning for a one-partition site, in other words a site where
everything is on the same partition, which is usually LVM'ed or raided volume with one big dir
which contains all the group dirs. However I did some changes in order to allow a multi-partitioned
site, where you have different sections on different disks and you have a pre dir on each disk,
containing a number of group dirs inside. This preing system is convenient now for both setups.
This preing system was tested on different linux distributions, such as Slackware, Debian, RedHat
and Mandrake. It was also tested on FreeBSD systems. Generally it should work on all linux and BSD
system as well as other unixes, such as Solaris (wasn't tested though).
By default I enabled a feature called "default section". You can enable or disable it, if you enable
it you won't need to use the full "site pre
" command, you can use "site pre "
command and it will pre to its pre-defined default section. This is quite comfortable for sites
which have only one section and you don't want to specify "mp3" all the time as a section during
the pre. The section as it passed via the "pre" command isn't case-sensitive, it will accept
both "site pre mp3" and "site pre MP3". However when you define sections in your script, please use upper-case characters only (it's not related in any way to the sections
you define in your glftpd.conf or zipscript config).
You can define a script for each section which will be executed right before the directoryis moved
to its target destination on the site. This script will have to accept one parameter which is the
full path to the pre dir (including the dir itself) as it appears on the site before the pre. This
script can return some information which will be passed as "preing information" to the screen and
to glftpd.log in order to be outputed by the sitebot later on. If the returned "preing information"
is empty then section name is being outputed as preing information. I included two scripts for
MP3 and MUSICVIDEOS which were written to work with dark0n3 zipscript-c/project-zs. They retrieve
genre from mp3 and musicvideos releases and return it as a preing info. If you want to do something
with the release, for example with mp3 release, you can write your own script, let's say
"", do what you need there and in the end call the "" from it,
returning its result. This way it's totally flexible to add your own handling to preing releases
in certain sections. For example you can set some imdb script for DIVX section and so on.
By default siteops can't see pre dirs unless they are in the preing group. However there is a
special private group called "STAFFPRE". If the siteops add themsevles to this group they will
be able to see and enter the pre dirs.
Requirements before installing the system
1. Make sure the following linux/unix binaries are in your glftpd's bin:
sed, echo, touch, chmod, pwd, grep, basename, date, mv, bash, dupediradd, find
If you don't have dupediradd - go to glftpd's bin/sources dir, compile
dupediradd.c in it and move the compiled binary to glftpd's bin dir.
2. Make sure your glftpd.conf and dupelog files located in glftpd's logs dir have
either 666 or 777 permissions (666 is enough).
3. Make sure your glftpd/dev/null is world writable (at least 666).
4. You must have a following private group in your glftpd.conf: STAFFPRE.
You can add the following line to your glftpd.conf in order to have it:
privgroup STAFFPRE Staff[:space:]Viewable[:space:]Pres
5. In your site the group names and group dir names should be the same from now
on (case-sensitive). For example, if you did "site grpadd cDe" then you must
also do in the future "site addaffil cDe" and "site delaffil cDe" and not
"site addaffil cde".
6. The real glftpd.conf must be located in your glftpd's etc dir, it must have 666
permissions on it and there must be a symlink to it in /etc. For example, if
your glftpd.conf is located on the box as /etc/glftpd.conf and your glftpd's
etc path is /glftpd/etc you need to do the following (as root/sudo of course):
cd /etc
chmod 666 glftpd.conf
mv glftpd.conf /glftpd/etc
ln -s /glftpd/etc/glftpd.conf glftpd.conf
Recommended settings in glftpd.conf
I recommend you to do the following in your glftpd.conf:
1. Add a pre section to your stats sections (to the end of the stats sections
block). For example you can add the following line if you have one big pre
dir which contains all group dirs and its located under /site/PRE:
stat_section PRE /site/PRE/* no
If you have multiple pre dirs which contain group dirs then you can add a number
of pre sections in a similar way to the one I wrote above.
2. If you "big" pre dir is /site/PRE then set the following permissions:
upload /site/PRE/*/* *
makedir /site/PRE/*/* *
rename /site/PRE/*/* *
resume /site/PRE/* *
nuke /site/PRE/* !*
delete /site/PRE/*/* *
creditloss 0 yes /site/PRE/*/* *
hideinwho /site/PRE* !1 *
nodupecheck /site/PRE/*
If you path setting are different - use similar settings with the changes
you need.
1. Make sure you've read the "Requirements" and the "Recommended settngs" sections.
2. Do "make" inside the eur0-pre-system directory.
3. If your glftpd setup is a standard one, in other words your glftpd's bin dir is
/glftpd/bin then do "make install" in the same dir.
Otherwise copy manually to your glftpd's bin dir the following compiled binaries:
addaffil, delaffil
4. Copy,,, to your glftpd's bin dir
and when you edit them as described below - do it to the copies in glftpd's bin.
5. Edit the config section in, and
You will probably need to change only the 'base_pre_path' variables
in and
6. Edit the config section (very carefully) in script. Pay attention to all
the notes and comments inside the config section. You will have to change the
following variables for sure: 'sitename' variable, 'allowdefaultsection' flag,
'defaultsection' index, 'section_name/section_target_path/section_script_path'
arrays. The explanations are in the comments above each variables.
7. Add the following lines to the custom commands section in your glftpd.conf:
site_cmd ADDAFFIL EXEC /bin/
site_cmd DELAFFIL EXEC /bin/
site_cmd LISTAFFILS EXEC /bin/
custom-addaffil 1
custom-delaffil 1
custom-listaffils !8 *
8. Now you set your sitebot. In this section (and the next one) I suppose you use
dark0n3's dZSbot.tcl. If not you will need to make simlar changes to your
sitebot's tcl script. First of all, if you want to enable !affils command
on the irc channel (like !dsaffils). To have it like that you will need to add
the following:
1. To your binds section add this line:
bind pub -|- [set cmdpre]affils affils
2. To your procedures section add the following procedure:
proc affils {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global cmdpre sitename
set output [exec /glftpd/bin/]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :-$sitename- \002(AFFILIATES)\002 - $output"
You will need to edit this a bit if your glftpd's bin dir isn't /glftpd/bin and you
want the announce to look a bit different.
3. To your - add the following line:
affils shows affils list
9. This is the last setting, to your sitebot's tcl script as well. You need it in order
to see the pres being announced on the sitechannel. This is what you need to add
to your dZSbot.tcl (or to make sure you have it already:
1. The "msgtypes(RACE)" list should have "PRE" in it.
2. You need to have the following line:
set disable(PRE) 0
3. In your announce variables section add this line:
set variables(PRE) "%pf %user %group %files %mbytes %preinfo"
4. In your announce messages section add this line (you can edit it the
way you need, this one is the usual one I have on my sites):
set announce(PRE) "-%sitename- \[PRE-RELEASE\] %bold==\] %group PRE \[==%bold %bold%release%bold - (%user@%group with %files files, %mbytesMB) - \[%preinfo\]"
You should be set now. Don't forget to save dZSbot.tcl and files, to .rehash
your sitebot and to re-login to the site. Do "site pre", "site addaffil", "site delaffil"
to see their syntaxes and make sure things work. You can also do "site listaffils" and
!affils on the irc channel.
Usage example
Here is an example of how I added an affil, test preing with it and delete it
afterwards (This was done on a one-partitioned site, on a multi-partitioned site
which has pre dirs on different partitions you will need to pass the second parameter
both in "site addaffil" and in "site delaffil", the second parameter is the path where
the group dir should be create (for addaffil) or the path the group dir should be
removed from (for delaffil), if you noticed you can add the same group a number of times
to be in different pre dirs on different partitions):
On the site:
site addaffil
200- Syntax: SITE ADDAFFIL [pre_dir_path]
200 Command Successful.
site addaffil ABC
200- Adding ABC ...
200- Trying to add /site/PRE/ABC to /etc/glftpd.conf ...
200- Successfully added the ABC dir to /etc/glftpd.conf.
200- The /site/PRE/ABC dir has been created.
200- Group ABC can start preing now!!
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/PRE/ABC" is current directory.
226- [Ul: 0.0MB] [Dl: 0.0MB] [Speed: 0.00K/s] [Free: 6758MB]
226 [Section: PRE] [Credits: 0.3MB] [Ratio: Unlimited]
MKD Tesing_-_Testing-2003-ABC
257 "/PRE/ABC/Tesing_-_Testing-2003-ABC" created.
257 "/PRE/ABC" is current directory.
site pre
200- ,--------------------------------------------=
200- | Usage: SITE PRE
200- | Valid sections:
200- | MP3
200- |
200- | If you do not specify a section then
200- | the release will be pre-ed to MP3.
200- |
200- | This moves a directory from a pre-dir to
200- | the provided section dir, and logs it.
200- `--------------------------------------------=
200 Command Successful.
site pre Tesing_-_Testing-2003-ABC
200- Second parameter wasn't specified, using MP3 by default ...
200- [dS] Release Info: [dS]
200- [dS] Success! Release has been pre'd. [dS]
200 Command Successful.
On the channel:
<_dS_> -dS- [PRE-RELEASE] ==] ABC PRE [== Tesing_-_Testing-2003-ABC - (eur0dance@ABC with 0 files, 0MB) - []
On the site again:
site delaffil ABC
200- Removing ABC ...
200- Trying to remove /site/PRE/ABC from the /etc/glftpd.conf file ...
200- The /etc/glftpd.conf has been updated, group ABC has been removed from it.
200- Success! /site/PRE/ABC has been removed.
200- Group ABC is NO LONGER affiled on this site!!
200 Command Successful.
Due to the fact that this is a first release of a long-existing pre-system there
might be some minor things I've forgot, If you experience any problems or find
any bugs (unlikely, but can happens since it's a bit complicated system) please
leave me a message via the forum on Turran's website:
You will need to register and you can leave a message to 'eur0dance'.
By the way, this is my official website, where I post my public scripts. Big thanks
to Turranius for his wonderful scripting and website-admining job and for letting
me use his website. You can find all my script in my section of scripts there.
There are a number of scripts by Turranius himself and different guest scripters,
ake sure you check them.
Enjoy! I hope you will like this eur0-pre-system package and this readme wasn't
to long and it was clear enough.