mvpack_v1.0.1 by eur0dance ========================== Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi everybody :) I've finally decided to release some script for public, especially that it's not a common one, and I'd say pretty much unique. I am talking about the pack of scripts to handle music videos (mvids) on glftpd sites. First of all, the scripts have been tested on Debian, Slackwere and RedHat, so I think it should work find on any kind of Linux. About BSD systems, there shouldn't be a problem to get them to work as well. (that is if they don't work well there, which I am not sure about). I decided to call the whole pack as "mvpack", so here it is: mvpack_v1.0.1. The zipscripts I've personally tested the pack with were zipscript-c v0.5.x and project-zc v0.6.x by Dark0n3. Features ~~~~~~~~ --> This one creates week dirs and a symlink to them, same principle as daily dir scripts. Please notice that mvid weeks are not the same as glftpd stats weeks (this has been this way since I downloaded my first musicvideos by ja9war in 1998). Mvids week starts at 00:00 on Sunday/Monday night. Infos about how to use it are inside the script itself. getmvpreinfo --> This one is a binary that parses an .nfo file containing the music videos genre. You should run it without any parameters in order to see its syntax. This by itself is not a script, just a binary being used in order scripts. --> This one is a script that uses the getmvpreinfo binary above. it should be used inside your pre scripts in order to get the mv genre and to create a 0-byte tag file in the release dir, like this: [dS] - ( Pop ) - [dS] and it will output this: MUSICVIDEOS Genre: Pop --> This one is a post check script (same type of the script as the zipscript), it's needed in order to announce the genre during the races and to create the 0-byte genre tag files inside the raced dirs. Please read the inportant comments inside the script itself. parsegenre --> This one is a helping binary for the next script, mvlinks.cron. Some of you might wonder why I didn't use awk instead. The reason is the difference between different awk versions on different Linux distributions and it would have affected the script. awk by itself is a symlink: to gawk on Slackwere & RedHat and to mawk on Debian. mvlinks.cron --> This one is based on mp3links.cron script by Jehsom (all credits to him for that one). As the name states by itself it creates sorted dirs according to Artists, Genre and Group. More infos about it are inside the script itself. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. To compile the binaries do: "make" 2. If your glftpd paths are the standard ones (/glftpd/bin), do: "make install" If not, just copy the binaries to your glftpd bin dir. 3. Edit the .sh scripts, pay attention to the commented infos inside them. All you need is to edit is the stuff inside the ### CONFIG ### section, don't touch the ### CODE ### section, unless you really know what you're doing. 4. Copy the .sh scripts to your glftpd bin dir. 5. The infos about editing the crontab, glftpd.conf and the sitebot tcl are inside the scripts themselves, in the beginning of each script, in the commented aread. Do as it says. Don't forget to rehash your sitebot if you do changes in its tcl. Enjoy! P.S All bugs should be reported to me, I can be reached on EFNet. Special thanks go to Jehsom and Darkon3 whose zipscript scripts inspired me into creating the scripts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ by eur0dance from EFNet