iono-shutdown v1.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < > ( features ) ---------- * Can either open or shutdown glftpd. * Can open/shutdown glftpd from either shell or irc. * Can kick users from ftp if you want the change to happen immediately. * Uses either kill or ncftpls to kick users from ftp, based on PID. * Doesn't kick users with certain flags, definable. * Can display status of server (shutdown/open). ( changelog ) ----------- key: + new feature, - removed feature, * modification/bug fix. Changes in v1.5 + added even more possible outputs. * recoded almost all of the script, is now faster. + added "status" command. Changes in v1.1 + added more possible outputs, such as no users online. * couple of bugfixes * changed to a single line output + readme file changed a bit, missed some small details + PREOUT setting added. Changes in v1.o + first public release. Special thanks to Turranius for his help :) ( requirements ) -------------- * ncftpls (optional, depending on your usage) * tur-ftpwho (included) * kill, cut, grep. Note : ncftpls is only required if you are going to use the included tcl. If you simply want to use it with the root account, kill will be used instead of ncftpls. ( contents ) ---------- * o1. * o2. iono-shutdown.tcl * o3. README ( installation ) -------------- * o1. untar to a temp directory and check all files are present. * o2. cp /glftpd/bin * o3. mkdir -m777 /glftpd/tmp (or the tempoary files location you want to use) * o4. chmod a+x /glftpd/bin/ * o5. chown root:eggdrop /etc/glftpd.conf (replace eggdrop with your eggdrop accounts group, usually the same as its username) * o6. chmod 770 /etc/glftpd.conf * o7. edit your glftpd.conf, make sure it includes "shutdown 0", the default is hashed out. * o8. if you don't have it already, put tur-ftpwho in /glftpd/bin (chmod +x). Sitebot support: * o1. cp iono-shutdown.tcl /home/eggdrop/scripts (or your eggdrop scripts dir) * o2. edit eggdrop.conf and add "source scripts/iono-shutdown.tcl" to it. * o3. rehash your bot, killall -SIGHUP egggdrop. * o4. create an account for the script to use on the ftp, the account needs the +E flag (kill pids). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iono-shutdown v1.5