# # NOTE: # This 'config' file was not made to be used with glftpd, # it was made to show a lot of examples of what you can do # # Server shutdown: 0=server open, 1=deny all but siteops, !*=deny all, etc shutdown 1 =STAFF -Usurper sitename_long MY[:space:]SITE[:space:]NAME sitename_short MSN email root@ rootpath /glftpd #Path relative to the ROOTPATH. datapath /ftp-data welcome_msg /ftp-data/misc/welcome.anon 8 welcome_msg /ftp-data/misc/welcome.msg * goodbye_msg /ftp-data/misc/goodbye.special 1 =STAFF 7 -Usurper goodbye_msg /ftp-data/misc/goodbye.msg * # Note: All newsfile lines will be shown (if the user matches permissions), # but with welcome and goodbye messages, only the first match will be shown newsfile /ftp-data/misc/newsfile.staff =STAFF 1 newsfile /ftp-data/misc/newsfile * banner /ftp-data/misc/banner # Note: you NEED a trailing slash if you don't use a wildcard at the end msgpath /site/admins/* /ftp-data/misc/admins.msg 1 7 =STAFF msgpath /site/incoming/ /ftp-data/misc/incoming.msg * msgpath /site/request/ /ftp-data/misc/reqs.msg * # we will not show the dir/file listings in color color_mode 0 ############################################################################## # SECTION # KEYWORD DIRECTORY SEPARATE CREDITS # ############################################################################## stat_section DEFAULT * yes stat_section LINUX /site/incoming/linux* no ############################################################################## ################## THE RIGHTS SECTION BEGINS HERE #################### ############################################################################## # (you can use a ! in front of any group/user/flag to negate it) # # The default is no, you don't need to add "!*" at the end # # # # Function Path =GROUP or -username or X (flag) # ############################################################################## #Only siteops or people in group STAFF will be allowed to rename files rename * =STAFF 1 #Allow everyone to rename their own files in /site/incoming renameown /site/incoming/* * #Allow siteops, nukers and people in STAFF to delete files #(the uploader will lose credits and stats) #Note: deleting your own files is not controlled by this setting delete * =STAFF 1 A #Allow everyone but anonymous users to delete their own files #(their stats and credits will be adjusted appropriately) deleteown * !8 * #Everyone can upload in /site/public, and everyone but anonymous users #can upload in other places upload /site/public/* * upload * !8 * #Everyone can resume uploads in /site/bigfiles and its subdirectories, #but nowhere else on the site. resume /site/bigfiles/* * #Only allow siteops and group STAFF to download from /site/private #Don't allow user 'viewer' to download download /site/private/* 1 =STAFF download * !-viewer * #Only nukers, siteops or people in group STAFF can nuke in /site/incoming #Only siteops or people in group STAFF can nuke anywhere in /site nuke /site/incoming/* A 1 =STAFF nuke /site/* 1 =STAFF #Everyone but anonymous users can make dirs in /site/incoming #Only siteops, people in group STAFF or people in group CoSiteops #can make dirs elsewhere (user lamer will be denied even if he is a siteop) makedir /site/incoming/* !8 * makedir /site/* !-lamer 1 =STAFF =CoSiteops #No directories made in /site/requests will be logged. Directories created in #/site/incoming will be logged, but not in their subdirectories. (so mkdir #/site/incoming/bleh will be added to dirlog, but mkdir /site/incoming/bleh/1 #will not). All other directories will be added. dirlog /site/requests/* !* dirlog /site/incoming/*/ * dirlog /site/* * #This will hide users who are transfering in this directory tree when a user #does a "site who" or "site swho", unless he/she is a siteop or in group STAFF hideinwho /site/hiddendir/* !1 !=STAFF * #Allow siteops and users from group STAFF to dowload for free #from the /site/admins/tools directory creditloss 0 yes /site/admins/tools/* 1 =STAFF #Allow everyone to download readme files #Allow siteops ad people in group UnixUsers to dowload all gzipped files freefile [Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Ee]* * freefile *.gz =UnixUsers 1 #Do not modify upload/download stats for the docs directory nostats /site/docs/* * ############################################################################## ################### THE RIGHTS SECTION ENDS HERE ##################### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # secure_pass mask users to whom this rule applies # ############################################################################## #If you trust siteops to pick secure passwords, give them small restrictions secure_pass a2.. 1 =STAFF #A little tighter restrictions for users in this group secure_pass Aa2... =SmartGroup #Very strict passwords for everyone secure_pass AAbb11#.. * ############################################################################## # secure_ip min. fields allow hostnames? need ident? users to whom this applies ############################################################################## #Siteops and STAFF will be able to add hostnames and numeric IPs with #one or more fully numeric fields, and ident isn't necessary. secure_ip 1 1 0 1 =STAFF #People with useredit will be able to add IPs with 2 or more numeric fields #and no hostnames. Valid ident is necessary. secure_ip 2 0 1 7 #Everyone else (like gadmins) need at least 3 numeric fields and a good ident. secure_ip 3 0 1 * download upload logging permissions ############################################################################## allow_fxp yes yes no 1 =STAFF =trusted allow_fxp no no no 8 #don't allow anonymous users allow_fxp no yes yes * #allow upload but not download for everyone else ############################################################################## #path-filter group path/msgfile filters ############################################################################## path-filter STAFF /ftp-data/misc/pathmsg ^[-A-Za-z0-9_.()[:space:]]*$ ^- path-filter * /ftp-data/misc/pathmsg ^[-A-Za-z0-9_.()[:space:]]*$ ^\. ^- #The following will display totals for directories like #/site/incoming/bleh, /site/oldstuff/glftpd #but not in their subdirectories. For that, remove the #trailing / show_totals /site/*/*/ #The following will calculate the CRC code (used by SFV tools) #for all RARs, ARJs, and all files uploaded to /glftpd/site/sfv #(but not to its subdirectories; add a * at the end for that) calc_crc *.[Rr][Aa][Rr] *.[Rr][0-9][0-9] /site/sfv *.[Aa][Rr][Jj] *.[Aa][0-9][0-9] #This will list all zips, rars and gzips on the x-dupe line when a file #is duped and if the x-dupe option is activated. xdupe *.zip *.[Rr]?? *.gz show_diz .message show_diz FILE_ID.DIZ hidden_files .message .dirstatus private_directory free_space 20 max_users 15 5 total_users 300 # dupecheck how many days? ignore file case like Windows? dupe_check 7 no dl_incomplete 1 noretrieve passwd passwd- group group- # cause commands "noop", "pwd", and "cwd" (followed by 0 or more characters) # not to reset the idle timer (so users who use only those commands will get # kicked out) idle_commands noop pwd cwd* min_homedir /site ############################################################################# # character conversions... file_names 0 lower [:space:]. ,. dir_names 1 none [:space:]_ [( ]) ############################################################################# tagline No[:space:]Tagline[:space:]Set ignore_type *.[tT][xX][tT] *.[nN][fF][oO] [rR][eE][aA][dD][mM][eE] .message ignore_type *.[sS][fF][vV] *.[cC][rR][cC] *.[dD][iI][zZ] ############################################################################# pre_dir_check /bin/dirscript pre_check /bin/dupescript post_check /bin/zipscript ############################################################################# ############## Location #################### Max number of lines in Display # oneliners /ftp-data/misc/oneliners 7 requests /ftp-data/misc/requests 10 lastonline /ftp-data/misc/lastonline 10 ############################################################################# ############################################################################ # Nukedir_Style: # 1st. Option [Format: %N = DIR] # 2nd. Option 0 = Delete ALL, 1 = Save main dir., 2 = Save ALL (UNNUKE) # 3rd. Option [Byte Size] for nuker to discount. ############################################################################ nukedir_style NUKED-%N 2 50000 empty_nuke 25000 multiplier_max 20 ############################################################################ # Private Groups: privgroup GROUPNAME GROUPDESC # ############################################################################ privgroup STAFF My[:space:]Private[:space:]Group ############################################################################ # PRIVPATHS: Directories should be uniquely named (no wildcards) # ############################################################################ privpath /site/admins 1 =STAFF privpath /site/friends =Friends ############################################################################ # CUSTOM SITE COMMANDS # # site_cmd [CMD NAME] [EXEC/TEXT] [PATH TO FILE] # ############################################################################ site_cmd RULES TEXT /ftp-data/misc/site.rules site_cmd LOCATE EXEC /bin/locate.sh site_cmd NFO EXEC /bin/sitenfo.sh site_cmd ZIPCHK EXEC /bin/sitezipchk.sh site_cmd ZIPLIST EXEC /bin/siteziplist.sh # Custom commands must be bound to flags/groups/usernames in order to work. # Add "custom-" in front of command name # This will give everyone but anonymous users access to "site rules" and "site locate" custom-rules !8 * custom-locate !8 * custom-nfo !8 * custom-zipchk !8 * custom-ziplist !8 * # custom scripts cscript pre site[:space:]deluser /bin/makeuserbackup.sh # this setting will force glftpd to execute /bin/makeuserbackup.sh every time # someone issues the "site deluser" command. # Read the docs for more info about thes -addip 1 2 7 -adduser 1 2 7 -change 1 7 -changeflags 1 -changeratio 1 2 7 -changesratio 1 7 -changehomedir 1 -chmod 1 -chgrp 1 7 -chgrp-priv 1 -chpass 1 -delip 1 2 7 -deluser 1 2 7 -dirs !8 * -emulate -specialuser =specialgroup -errlog 1 -flags !8 * -gadduser 1 7 -ginfo 2 H -give G -group !3 * -groups !8 * -grpadd 1 -grpdel 1 -grplog 1 -grpnfo 1 2 -grpren 1 -help !8 * -info !8 * -kick D -kill E -logins 1 -misc !8 * -msg !8 * -msg* 1 -msg= 1 -msg{ !8 * -nuke A -onel !8 * -oneladd !8 * -passwd !8 * -purge 1 -readd 1 2 7 -renuser 1 7 -reqlog 1 A B 7 -request !8 * -requestadd !8 * -show 1 -stat !8 * -stats !8 * -swho =STAFF 1 E -take F -syslog 1 =STAFF -undupe C -unnuke B -update 1 -user !8 * -users H -usercomment 1 7 -userextra 1 2 7 -who !8 * -wipe 1 -trusteduser