please read changelog for updates, not all changes are in this file yet if you find something please let us know glFTPD Docs for v2.00 Original docs composed by icetrain Maintained by: Archimede #glftpd (efnet) Maintained by: Usurper Maintained by: Bloody_A #glftpd (efnet) NOTE: These docs are provided to you in respect that you know linux basics. If you come in #glftpd without reading these docs or not knowing LINUX very well, you WILL get flamed and this is your own fault. We in #glftpd do not have enough time to support glftpd AND linux. Be smart and buy a LINUX does help a lot. NOTE: If you have a suggestion or correction, please feel free to let us know. This document describes how to install, and covers some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the glftpd server. They are compiled from various sources including the glftpd Forum and the glftpd IRC channel on efnet (#glftpd). The latest version of this document can always be found at Please read the changelog and faq as well as looking at this document. Table of contents: I. Installation II. Glftpd.conf III. Complete list of site commands. IV. Color cookies V. Other cookies VI. Glftpd strings VII. Glftpd directory & file structure PREREQUISITES: You need the following to successfully install and use glftpd: - root password - System V ipc support in kernel (shared memory) - Disk drive with UNIX-like file system (like ext2/ext3 in linux) .------------------------. | 1. Installation | `------------------------' *** NOTE: is an install script that eliminates the following tasks. Try using that before attempting to do this by hand. *** NOTE: If running this script more then once you will get an error, please do the following to remove it and start over again: edit /etc/inetd.conf, /etc/services and remove all glftpd instances. rm -rf /glftpd /etc/glftpd.conf 1. Extract the archive to your root directory. (tar zxvf glftp-XXX.x.xx.tgz -C /) *** NOTE: Steps 2-5 are only needed for scripts, like zipscript, to work. They are not necessary for glftpd itself. Also, if your rootpath is /, you can skip these steps. 2. Copy the required library files and the 'ldconfig' utility to your ftp-structure. (cp /lib/* /glftpd/lib; cp /sbin/ldconfig /glftpd/bin) * NOTE: Depending on your OS, your libs maybe be in /usr/lib or other directories 3. Now do this: (cd /glftpd/dev; mknod null c 1 3; chmod 666 null) (cd /glftpd/dev; mknod zero c 1 5; chmod 666 zero) * NOTE: This is the syntax for linux; other OSes may have different syntax. Do ls -l /dev/null on your box to see which numbers you need (exmp: fbsd uses "2 2" for null and "2 12" for zero, instead of "1 3" and "1 5") 4. Create '' in your ftp-structure. (chroot /glftpd /bin/ldconfig) If this doesn't work, try: chroot /glftpd /bin/ldconfig /lib (some systems, like OpenBSD, use /usr/lib as default path). You may also need to copy to /glftpd/usr/libexec on OpenBSD and similar - see where that file is on your system and replicate this path under /glftpd. NOTE: /glftpd/etc/ is what this is under LINUX. Other OSes use other files, for example OBSD uses /glftpd/var/run/, so you need to create /glftpd/var/run. Do a "man ldconfig" and check what it creates, then create that directory under /glftpd before performing step #4. * NOTE: This will only work right if the libs are copied right. You can be anywhere when performing * this task, a good idea would be to cd /glftpd/etc and ls after you have typed this command to make * sure that is there. You might need to create in /glftpd/etc and put "/lib" inside. You will probably get an error-message like this, just ignore it: bin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib (No such file or directory), skipping Ignore other errors that mention missing files or symlinks Check that '/glftpd/etc/' (or whatever it is on your OS) exists, if not go back to step 2 and try again. 5. cp /bin/sh /glftpd/bin; cp /bin/kill /glftpd/bin; cp /bin/cat /glftpd/bin; cp /bin/echo /glftpd/bin; cp /bin/grep /glftpd/bin; cp /bin/unzip /glftpd/bin cp /usr/bin/gunzip /glftpd/bin; cp /bin/bash /glftpd/bin Make sure all permissions are set correctly in '/glftpd/bin' and that your incoming directory is world-wide-read/writeable. (chmod -R 755 /glftpd/bin) (chmod -R 755 /glftpd/lib) (chmod 777 /glftpd/site/incoming) * NOTE: If using bkpack you will need to follow what he has written in the faq. 6. Copy the config file to '/etc' and edit it to your likes. More about this below. *** NOTE: DO NOT USE NOTEPAD OR MS-WORD TO EDIT THIS FILE *** *** NOTE: Also get into the habit of using tabs for spaces *** (cp /glftpd/glftpd.conf /etc/glftpd.conf) *VERY IMPORTANT* glftpd.conf is your server configuration file. you MUST edit this!!!! * NOTE: READ all of this has many variables that are easy to follow. 7. Add the following line to '/etc/inetd.conf': glftpd stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /glftpd/bin/glftpd -l -o -i (If your system uses xinetd instead of inetd, like Readhat7, you need to add an entry for xinetd instead. There is an example entry in README.xinetd) *NOTE* If you do not use tcpd then you need to use a bogus flag ('-' isn't needed in front) to make the first real option work (this is usually -l, so without the bogus flag logging to glftpd.log will not work). A good idea is to use the word 'glftpd': glftpd stream tcp nowait root /glftpd/bin/glftpd glftpd -l -o -i If you ARE using tcpd, make sure you modify hosts.allow to allow connections to glftpd (something like GLFTPD: ALL) The following switches can be used in inetd.conf: -B This will only allow connections from the port bouncer (connecting from localhost [] will still work) -b This allows connections from a port bouncer or direct connections. -e This will use european week (Mon-Sun) when modifying stats -l Logs new dirs,deleted dirs,nukes,unnukes,logins,logouts to /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log and login.log in ascii. -L Works just like -l, but it will always log creation and deletion of directories to glftpd.log. The -l option only logs those if they are in dirlog path (specified in glftpd.conf). Most likely, you want to use -l, this is for special cases. -i Logs uploads to /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/xferlog. -I Disables ident lookups. Note that if you use tcpd, it will do an ident lookup independently from glftpd. -o Logs downloads /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/xferlog. -d Logs connections and all user commands to system logs as debug (usually /var/log/debug, but refer to your /etc/syslog.conf). -r Use alternate glftpd.conf file. -t Sets the default idle timeout period. -T Sets the maximum idle timeout period a user may select using the 'site idle' command if he/she doesn't have a personal idle time set (site change user idle_time xx). -n <#> Number of DNS retries, 0 disables DNS resolving. -s The full path to the glstrings binary (default is /glftpd/bin/glstrings.bin) Example: -s/home/glftpd/bin/myownglstrings.bin -x makes glftpd only log ips on errors. (by default everything will be logged) -X forces glftpd not to log ips (not even for error messages in login.log) Add the following line to '/etc/services' glftpd /tcp * NOTE: e.g.: glftpd 8000/tcp # Glftpd * NOTE: Do not initially put your ftpd on port 21...stick it on a really high port so you know it works * * NOTE: DO NOT PUT THE PORT RIGHT NEXT TO ANOTHER PORT, SPACE THEM OUT BY AT LEAST 5-10 PORTS * 7.1 Read README.TLS, and set your certificate 8. Restart INETD. (killall -HUP inetd) or (kill -HUP *** NOTE: This is only needed when modifying inetd.conf, glftpd.conf has nothing to do with inetd. For changes in glftpd.conf to take effect, you need to relogin. 9. Login to your newly created site. Login/Pass = glftpd/glftpd Please note that you must use ftp to localhost since the ipmask on the predefined account 'glftpd' is *@ (ftp localhost ) ### NOTE: For SECURITY reasons you will either need to delete this account or change the ip and password. *** If you are getting a "421 Service not available" message or something similar, you didn't install glftpd correctly. Check your system logs (you might need to configure your syslog to start logging errors and warnings - i believe redhat doesn't do that by default!, try man syslog.conf), glftpd logs, permissions, config file settings, and try installing again. 10. Now add your own account and enable the siteop flag. (site adduser ) (site change flags +1) *** NOTE: The 1 flag is NOT god must add any flags you wish to perform, those flags are listed later in this doc. 11. Set up a crontab entry for root to run the included 'reset' bin every night at midnight. Sample Entry. 0 0 * * * /glftpd/bin/reset (Reset is a binary that resets users' daily/weekly/monthly upload/download/nuke statistics. Try reset -? for help. You do not normally need any arguments, reset will make it's own decision on what to reset based on the system date. If you use switches to reset specific stats, this automated resetting will not kick in.) 12. Logs Log rotation won't be covered here - you should know how to do that. However, there are 2 utils that you should regularly use to keep your dirlog in shape (list of directories on site). - glupdate, to re-add moved directories to dirlog, or to add new directories that were not created through glftpd. - olddirclean (olddirclean2 as of Nov 2000), to remove old entries from your dirlog (when you move/delete directories) and to sort your dirlog after glupdate runs. For more info, look in /glftpd/bin/sources. .------------------------------------. | II. Glftpd.conf | `------------------------------------' NOTE: All these variables should be in lower case in the config file - if you make them upper case glftpd won't see them. Order doesn't matter, you can add these anywhere in the file. SPECIAL CHARACTERS: * If you want to use a space in an argument, you need to use [:space:] instead. Glftpd will convert it to ' '. * When glftpd sees the character #, it will replace it with null (meaning everything that follows it will be disregarded). All comments should be done this way. * To represent the # character, use [:hash:]. * You can use "include" to split the main config file into several pieces, kind of like it's done in C (but without the # in front). Just add a line "include /path/to/config.file" to glftpd.conf. RECOGNIZED SETTINGS: ifip IP [IP2 IP3 ...] elseip endifip Settings in glftpd.conf can be conditional - depending on the IP mask of the person connecting. The "ifip" setting takes one or more IP masks. If the connecting IP matches one of those masks, settings that follow (on lines below) will be used, until "elseip" or "endifip" is encountered. If the IP does not match any of the masks, settings that follow it will be ignored. If "elseip" is encountered, settings that follow it will be used instead. Nesting in the elseip part is ok, but I wouldn't recommend nesting in the if part, it might screw up. Examples: this was mainly created for the pasv_addr setting, so that people connecting locally could have a different pasv_addr than people connecting from the Internet, but it can be used with any settings: ifip 192.168.* 10.* pasv_addr sitename_long MyLanSite elseip ifip include /glftpd/etc/myspeciallocalsettings.conf elseip pasv_addr 1 sitename_long MyInternetSite endifip endifip ascii_downloads [ ...] is the maximum byte size that can be downloaded in ASCII mode. Set it to 0 or any string (like 'disabled') to disable size check. is file masks which are allowed for ASCII mode. Files that don't match them have to be downloaded in BINARY mode. Omitting this setting is the same as using *, meaning all files will be downloadable. Exmp: ascii_downloads 20000 *.[Tt][Xx][Tt] *.[Dd][Ii][Zz] This will only allow downloading of .txt and .diz files that are 20 thousand bytes or smaller in ASCII mode. Note: directory listings are not affected by this. shutdown flag|-user|=group [flag|-user|=group ...] Shuts glftpd down for everyone EXCEPT the people specified on the right 'shutdown 0' is the same as 'shutdown *' glftpd will display the /ftp-data/text/shutdown file to users that are denied login because of this setting. exmp: shutdown 1 =STAFF this will only allow users with flag 1 and members of group STAFF to log in exmp: shutdown !* this will not allow anyone to log in free_space xxx This will prevent people from uploading if your free space on current drive is equal to or smaller than xxx megs. ex. Without this, if there is only 1 meg of free space and someone is uploading files 3 megs in size, all of them would fail the test and be deleted, resulting in a big waste of bandwidth. use_dir_size k|b|m path1 [ path2 path3 ... ] This will make glftpd show directories' size (the total size of all files in that directory), instead of the number of bytes the directory itself takes up, when a user does a "LIST". k = kilobytes, b = bytes, m = megs *NOTE* For slow processors/hard drives, this might cause slow dir listing. path1 is mandatory - it should be the path for which this option will work. You may specify several paths. No wildcards. You don't even need full paths, instead of /site you can use /si and it will work for /site as well as every other directory starting with /si, and every subdirectory of that directory. exmp: use_dir_size k / This will show directory size, in kilobytes, for every directory on your site. exmp: use_dir_size m /site/incom /site/priva This will show directory size, in megabytes, for every directory that begins with "/site/incom" and "/site/priv", like /site/incoming, /site/incoming/whatever, /site/private, /site/privateer, etc. timezone +-# This modifies the timezone + or - for different regions. eg: timezone -4 will show the time 4hours behind what it was showing originally NOTE: this command has been reported to slow down glftpd for some people - I have no idea why, it works fine for most. Because of this, I decided not to bother fixing a bug that it has - new files/directories will have the system time, not the timezone-corrected time. It's best to use the 'localtime fix' instead of this setting - search the FAQ for how to do that. color_mode 0|1 This option determines whether colors are present in directory listing when a user has the color flag. Use "color_mode 0" to prevent glftpd from using color codes in directory listing. The control connection (the dialog between client and server) will show colors when the user has the color flag turned on. Use "color_mode 1" to make glftpd act like before, using colors both in the control connection and directory listing. This is the default action. sitename_long [:space:] Your site's name. sitename_short The abbreviation for your site. login_prompt String to replace the standard login prompt. rootpath The path where all your system directories reside. (bin, etc, lib...) Glftpd will chroot itself to this directory when a user connects, meaning nothing above this directory can be accessed through ftp. If no path is specified glftpd will assume /glftpd as its rootpath. reload_config The config file used when we recieve a SIGHUP signal. Glftpd will reload the config file when it recieves the SIGHUP signal. This will only happen if there is a reload_config line in the config file. The path specified is relative to the rootpath and to make this work the file must be within the rootpath. NOTE: When a bad config path is specified and glftpd gets a SIGHUP signal the user will be logged out with an error telling its impossible to read the config file. master [ ...] Here you can specify the master(s) of the site. The master(s) can change anyone's flags, including all siteops. ipc_key # Glftpd uses shared memory, so it needs to use an ipc_key. The default key that glftpd uses is "0x0000DEAD". If you want to run another glftpd server, you need to define a different key for it in its own config file. The key can be any 8-digit hexadecimal string, like: 0x01234567, 0xDEADBABE, 0xBEEFBABE, 0xBADC0FEE, etc. If you're using ftpwho.c, it's ipc key will also need to be modified. secure_ip Glftpd will not allow users to add an IP address that doesn't pass these rules. specifies the minimum number of fully numeric fields that need to be in the IP address. can be 1 to allow hostnames (non-numeric IP addresses), or 0 to disallow them. , if set to 1, will require a valid ident for this IP. ex. secure_ip 2 1 0 =STAFF 1 this will allow STAFF and siteops to add numeric IPs with 2 or more fully numeric fields, and it will let them add hostnames, as in A valid ident will not be required. ex. secure_ip 3 0 1 * this will allow everyone else to add IPs with 3 or more fully-numeric fields and it will not allow anyone to add hostnames. A valid ident will be required. You can have several secure_ip entries; glftpd will go through all of them. If a match for the user adding the IP is found in the flags, users and groups on the right, and the security settings allow the IP, the search will stop. Otherwise, glftpd will continue until either another rule allows the IP or there are no more rules. In the second case, if there were any rules that matched the user but denied the IP, the IP will be denied, otherwise it will be allowed. secure_pass Glftpd will not allow passwords that do not match . The mask's length sets the minimum password length. You can also specify the minimum number of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, or "other symbols". The '.' is a placeholder to "fill in" to the minimum length you want. You can use any letter, number, or "other character" (remember, '.' has a special meaning) in this string. ex. "secure_pass Ab1... *" will only allow passwords 6 characters or longer that contain at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. In this example, everyone who changes a password (through either "site passwd" or "site chpass" will have to stick to this mask. If you replace '*' with flags, groups, etc, only users that match them will be forced to stick to this rule. You can have multiple secure_pass rules; if the first rule's permissions don't match the user, glftpd will go on to the next rule. If they do match, but the password does not meet the security requirement for that rule, glftpd will try other rules, until either a rule is found that matches the user and allows the password, or there are no more rules. In the second case, if there were any rules that matched the user but denied the password, the password will be denied, otherwise it will be allowed. ex. secure_pass ZZf3$. !1 !=STAFF * This will force everyone but siteops and members of STAFF to have passwords at least 6 characters long, with at least 2 upper case letters, one lower case letter, one digit, and one "other character". datapath The path where you keep all data-files (default ftp-data). This is relative to your rootpath. If your rootpath is /glftpd, this should be /ftp-data. If your rootpath is /, this should be /glftpd/ftp-data. pwd_path The path of where you want glftpd passwd file stored. (default is /etc/passwd, but for rootpath / set this to /glftpd/etc/passwd). grp_path The path of where you want your glftpd group file stored. (default is /etc/group) botscript_path The path to your bot script. The botscript will be executed after a directory is created, deleted, nuked or unnuked. You can use it to signal your bot to 'announce' the newest directory. bouncer_ip XXXX [ XXXX ... ] ..where XXXX is either an IPv4 address or a hostname. If you have (an) ftp bouncer(s), you have to put their IP(s) here so that glftpd knows when the connection is from a bouncer and when it's from a regular user. exmp: bouncer_ip speed_limit [flags/=groups/-usernames] Global bandwidth limit based on directory (first match is the one being used) The number is in bytes, so 50000 is 50 thousand bytes per second (almost 50K/s) The third argument is the familiar X (flag), -user or =group. If you have multiple speed_limit rules, first path/permission match decides which rule is active. exmp: speed_limit /site/Incoming* 150000 0 speed_limit /site/Archives* 50000 0 1 speed_limit /* 200000 0 =group -user (0 = unlimited) sim_xfers max_downloads [max_uploads] Global setting controlling maximum simultaneous downloads and uploads on the whole site. -1 means unlimited. *NOTE* Users with the EXEMPT flag will not be affected, they can download even if this limit is reached. exmp: sim_xfers 10 -1 This will only allow 10 downloads at a time. If a user tries to download something and there are already 10 other downloads in progress, he/she will receive an error message. calc_crc [|] ... This is for on-the-fly CRC checking. It can take multiple arguments. You can use filemasks or paths or you can mix them. exmp: calc_crc *.rar /site/rars/games/* *.[Mm][Pp][3] This will calculate CRC for all rars, all files uploaded to the /site/rars/games directory (and its subdirectories), and all mp3s, including different cases (like .MP3 or .Mp3). The CRC will be passed to zipscript as the third argument. If you upload a file that does not match any mask listed and is not in any path listed, '000000' will be passed to zipscript. xdupe filemask1 [filemask2 filemask3 ...] If the user turns x-dupe on, only files which match any of the filemasks will be reported. ex. filemask *.zip *.r?? *.gz *.tgz This will report zips, rars, gzips and gzipped tarballs on the x-dupe line. mmap_amount <#> # can be a number from 1 to 50. It represents the size (in MB's) of files being downloaded to keep in memory (a little faster download). The default is 4 (files smaller than 4 megs are kept in memory during download) If you have little memory and big files, setting this to a low number may improve speed. dl_sendfile <#> This option determains if we should use the zerocopy systemcall sendfile() on systems where this is available. This option overrules mmap_amount which is one of the 3 possible downloading methods, being: plain, mmaped and zerocopy. If set to >0 this option is enabled, 0 or no line is disabled. The number specifies size ( in kbytes) of block for one sendfile() system call. During the call sharedmem (user info) is not updated, so for slower sites use smaller number !. If user has speed rate limit or transfer is using SSL glftpd will automatically fallback to mmap or normal upload. We strongly recommend you use this function unless you use a lot of speed limiting. As of v2.0RC5 this option is enabled by default unless specified otherwise (with 512kb blocks) NOTE: This system is not available on all operating systems, confirmed to support this are Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX. Also, this is only available on plain binary file transfers (no TLS/SSL). ul_buffered <#> # can be a number from 0 to 50. It represents the size (in MB's) of the upload buffer where the data read from the network is buffered to decrese disk writes. This option should make uploads a little faster. When set to 0 or when no line is present this option is disabled and the data will not be buffered. min_homedir You need this set to allow siteops to change users' home directories with "site change". ex. min_homedir /site will allow homedir to be inside the /site dir but not outside. NOTE: This setting has nothing to do with the actual users' homedirs, it is a simple security setting to stop siteops from allowing people to start in protected directories. To change actual homedirs, either edit /glftpd/etc/passwd for existing users, or modify the HOMEDIR line in /glftpd/ftp-data/users/default.* for new users. valid_ip [ ...] If you have multiple IP's on your system, enter the ones you want glftpd to listen on. Only connections to the listed IP(s) will be allowed, so if you add "valid_ip" to the config file, you will only be able to connect by typing "ftp port" or "ftp localhost port", but not if you try "ftp port". active_addr Tells glftpd which interface to bind to when doing active file transfers. Without this, glftpd uses the same interface that the user connected to. If you have multiple active_addr lines, glftpd will cycle through them in a round-robin style each time the user transfers a file. pasv_addr [1] Determines what IP/Host is used for passive mode. If you want glftpd to bind to this interface (for example, if you use more than one NIC in the same box and you want passive connections to not use the default one), just do "pasv_addr x.x.x.x". If you want glftpd to only report this IP to the client but to bind to the default interface (as in when your box only has an internal IP and you're using NAT), do "pasv_addr x.x.x.x 1". If you have multiple pasv_addr lines, glftpd will cycle through them in a round-robin style each time a file is transferred using passive mode. pasv_ports [ ...] Causes glftpd to pick an open port between X and Y when making a passive connection, instead of picking a random port. If Y isn't present, glftpd will just use X. If Y is present, glftpd will pick a random port between X and Y. If there are too many errors trying to pick a port from the current range, glftpd will move on to the next one. Exmp: pasv_ports 10000-11000 20 21 22 23 80 110 1600-1610 35000-35050 Maximum is 50 arguments. It makes most sense to use the biggest range as the first argument, since it'll be used most often. You should have at least 10 ports per user, so if you have 30 users online, this range should be 300, i.e. pasv_ports 2000-2300 active_ports [ ...] Causes glftpd to pick an open port between X and Y when making a active connection, instead of picking a random port. If Y isn't present, glftpd will just use X. If Y is present, glftpd will pick a random port between X and Y. If there are too many errors trying to pick a port from the current range, glftpd will move on to the next one. Maximum is 50 arguments. It makes most sense to use the biggest range as the first argument, since it'll be used most often. You should have at least 10 ports per user, so if you have 30 users online, this range should be 300, i.e. active_ports 13000-13300 This option together with pasv_ports will control which ports that will be used on the server by glftpd allow_fxp [flag|-user|=group] downloads uploads logging permissions Defaults are: allow_fxp yes yes no * Fxp is an unofficial name for site-to-site transfers, where a user can directly upload from, or download to, another ftp server. This is done by "cheating" the ftp server, and using another server's IP and port in the PORT command. This setting can check whether the IP in the PORT command is the same as the IP the user connected from. If it isn't, that means the user is trying to establish a connection to another ftp server, and he will be denied if he doesn't match permissions. This will also check whether an incoming data connection, when using the PASV command, is from the user or not (this is another way to cheat). The third setting, if set to yes, will log all attempted transfers (whether successful or not) to foreign addresses to sysop.log for users that match permissions. Permissions are the familiar X (flag), -user or =group. If you have multiple allow_fxp rules, first permission match decides which rule is active. Exmp: allow_fxp no yes no =Leech 8 This will allow people in group Leech or anonymous users to upload from foreign addresses (like other ftp sites), but will not allow them to download to foreign addresses. All other users are allowed both. Exmp: allow_fxp yes yes yes * This will allow everyone to do site-to-site transfers, but it will log each of them to login.log Exmp: allow_fxp yes yes no =STAFF allow_fxp no yes no * This will allow users in group STAFF to both download and upload using fxp, and it will deny downloads for everyone else. welcome_msg A file displayed at login, after the user has entered his password. If you have multiple lines, glftpd will try to match the user with flags/groups/usernames on the right. The first match will display the file (first argument) and stop the search. goodbye_msg Displayed at logoff. Same as above. newsfile Displayed after the first cd-command you issue. Same as above, but glftpd will NOT stop on the first match - all matches will be displayed. banner Displayed before the prompt for username. alias Defines an alias for a directory. ex. alias util /incoming/utils This would allow a user to issue the command 'cd util' anywhere, and it would take him to 'homedir/incoming/utils' where homedir is his home directory like /site (in which case it'd be /site/incoming/utils). cdpath Defines a search-path when changing directories. ex. cdpath /incoming/utils cdpath /incoming/games If a user tries to cd to the directory 'foo' it will be searched for in the following order: ./foo an alias called 'foo' homedir/incoming/utils/foo homedir/incoming/games/foo ... where homedir is the user's home directory (/site by default) This only works with the cd command. ignore_type [ ...] Will ignore the assigned file types from being recognized in the directory race info, nukes, unnukes, and dupes. Example: ignore_type *.[tT][xX][tT] *.[nN][fF][oO] [rR][eE][aA][dD][mM][eE] .message ignore_type *.[sS][fF][vV] *.[cC][rR][cC] *.[dD][iI][zZ] *RIGHTS SECTION* Function Path Flags/Groups/Uusers --------------------------------------------------------------- # who can delete any files where delete /site/GRP_PRE/* =GRP # who can delete their own files where deleteown /site* !8 * # who can overwrite existing files where overwrite /site/GRP* =GRP # who can upload resume where resume /site* * # who can rename any files where rename /site/GRP_PRE/* =GRP 1 =STAFF # who can rename their own files where renameown /site/* =TRUSTED # who can move files (rename to other directories) and # from which paths can they be moved filemove /site/incoming/* =STAFF # who can create directories where makedir /site* * # who can upload files to which directories upload /site/incoming/????/*/* * upload /site/request/* * # who can download files from which directories download /site/* !-viewer * # which paths can people with access to the nuke command nuke in nuke /site/incoming/????/* * # controls adding new directories to 'site search' database and to # glftpd.log if using the -l switch in inetd.conf dirlog /site/incoming/????/*/ * # which users will be hidden from 'site who' while they are in which paths hideinwho /private/pre/directory* !1 !=STAFF * # who can download which files for free freefile *.[Nn][Ff][Oo] * # which users should not get files uploaded/downloaded statistics change # when they download, and to which paths does this apply nostats /site/requests/* * *** NOTE: These are examples only..they do not necessarily reflect the tree you need to use. *** NOTE: The ???? is used to match date directories, like 1214 See the file glftpd.conf-EXAMPLES for more examples This rights section is read from top to bottom. The first directory match will stop the search, so you should put the more specific directories on top and the least specific ones on the bottom. NOTE: As of glftpd 1.24, the rights section is case-sensitive. Special variables: If the paths in the settings above contain "[:username:]" or "[:groupname:]", glftpd will replace them with username or primary group's name, respectively, when it's checking those rules. Exmp: upload /home/[:username:]/* * This will allow only joe to upload in /home/joe. *END RIGHTS SECTION* stat_section Here you can define up to 10 multiple statistic sections. Keyword Directory Separate Creds ------- --------- -------------- stat_section DEFAULT * yes THIS SECTION MUST ALWAYS BE ADDED IN THE CONFIG FILE AS THE FIRST SECTION!! If you want to define more statistic sections simply add another line. The directory option uses the same wildcard scheme as delete, upload etc. ex. stat_section GAMES /site/incoming/games/* yes stat_section UTILS /site/incoming/utils/* no This would make 2 new sections, 1 Games and 1 Utils. The games section is using a separate credit system which means that all uploads/downloads/credits will change as soon as a user changes to the games directory. If he goes into the utils directory uploads/downloads will change but the credits will remain the same as in the default section. If you want to create one section from multiple paths, use the special keyword [:and:] to separate the paths, like: stat_section LINUX /slackware[:and:]/debian[:and:]/redhat yes site USERS, site GIVE, site TAKE, site GINFO, ALL STATS, all show or change data from current section only (based on which directory you are in). All stat commands that display text files with cookies in them (wkup, gpal, etc) look for SECTIONfilename if you are invoking them for a section other than DEFAULT. *NOTE* The maximum number of sections specified is 10!! You can not add more. This includes the default section. path-filter [ ...] Sets rules for what characters a filename can have. Group Message-file Filters ----- ------------ ------- path-filter * /ftp-data/misc/pathmsg ^[-A-Za-z0-9_.()[:space:]]*$ ^\. ^- This line means that a filename may only be made up of the characters A-Z, a-z,0-9, "._-()" and spaces, and that it may not start with "." or "-". The filters are regular expressions - type `man re_exec` to learn more about these rules. (For complete syntax, you might need to figure out the right page, on debian it's 'man 7 regex'). If you want characters '[' and ']' in filenames, use this path-filter: path-filter * /ftp-data/misc/pathmsg ^[][A-Za-z0-9_.'()[:space:]-]*$ ^\. ^- If a filename is invalid the message-file will be displayed. If you supply a group-name instead of '*' the rule will only apply to users who belong to that group. You can use multiple path-filter lines. The first match wins, so the line with * in the group field should always be last. You can disable path-filter by commenting it out, but this is a security risk and it is not recommended. Just add the characters you need to the list and leave it on. max_users <#> <#> The maximum amount of users allowed to login at once. The first number specifies the maximum amount of users allowed to connect to the site. The second number specifies how many exempt users can connect, if the site is already full. They must have exempt flag for this to work. Exempt users take up a slot, just like everyone else, so if you have max_users 5 5, and you have 5 exempt users logged in, non-exempt users won't be able to login. *** NOTE: You cannot do this with people connected to the site; if you change this you MUST have 0 users connect and no gl_spy running, otherwise you will get a 220 Server Error: (SHMGET) Failed! error. Look in the FAQ for a fix to this. max_ustats <#> [flag|-user|=group] The maximum amount of results shown when the matching users use the user stats commands. These commands include all, month, week and day up and download tops. The first number specified the maximum number of results shown for the people that match the flags/users/groups. If -1 is specified as the number the result is unlimited. Please note that the first match always wins. Thus if you would like everyone with flag 1 to be able to see the complete top but other only the first 10 you would need: max_ustats -1 1 max_ustats 10 * max_gstats <#> [flag|-user|=group] The maximum amount of results shown when the matching users use the group stats commands. These commands include all, month, week and day up and download tops. The first number specified the maximum number of results shown for the people that match the flags/users/groups. If -1 is specified as the number the result is unlimited. Please note that the first match always wins. Thus if you would like everyone with flag 1 to be able to see the complete top but other only the first 10 you would need: max_gstats -1 1 max_gstats 10 * banned_users [ ...] To ban users (prevent accounts with their usernames from being created) ex. banned_users root billgates If present, file "/rootpath/ftp-data/help/site.adduser.banned" will be displayed when someone attempts to add root or billgates. show_diz [rights] A filename that will be shown, if it exists, when you change into a directory. You can have multiple lines and they can be bound to rights. ex. show_diz FILE_ID.DIZ 1 show_diz .message This would show the print out the files FILE_ID.DIZ just for siteops and .message for everyone when you change into any directory in which they exist. Cookies present in this file will not be interpreted by glftpd (think security). show_totals [ ...] When a user cd's into a directory that matches , the totals for this directory (race info) will be calculated and displayed, showing max results. You can have multiple lines with multiple arguments each. ex. show_totals 30 /site/incoming/????/*/ This will show statistics for all directories in /incoming/0301, but not for their subdirectories (remove the trailing / if you want that) dl_incomplete <1/0> Whether or not to allow users to download a file before it is completely uploaded. It is best to have this set to 1; if a file is still being uploaded and a user tries to download it, glftpd will not close the transfer until the file is finished, so you won't download incomplete files if you download faster than the uploader is uploading. This setting causes the file that's being uploaded to have 755 permissions; if it is set to 0, the file will be 600. NOTE: this only works if the upload is steady; if there are long periods of inactivity during upload (over 30 seconds), glftpd stops waiting and closes the transfer. It does this by checking the file's modification time, so older files with 755 permissions will be sent without waiting. file_dl_count <1/0> 1 is the default - glftpd changes each file's GID by +1 when that file is downloaded (up to 99 times). This number is displayed when you do long listing (list -l) and your color is on (so it's safe to assume you're in UNIX; Windows clients choke on listing like that). Setting this to 0 turns it off, so GID will not be incremented, and listing will not display the number of times each file was downloaded. dupe_check <#> [yes/no] The amount of days back to check for dupes. Set this to 0 to disable dupe-checking. The second parameter is optional - "no" is assumed if it's missing. It refers to ignoring file case when checking dupes. If you set it to yes, it will act like Windows, so will be treated the same as and glftpd will say it's a dupe. logs/dupefile is automatically "compressed" and glftpd will randomly (1/1000) decide to remove all entries older than your days limit. 3 built-in scripts: The paths to these scripts must be full. If your rootpath is "/", these paths have to be /glftpd/bin/scriptname (unless you move them to /bin). For pre_check and pre_dir_check, you should only echo normal text if the exit code that follows it will be > 0 (meaning the file/directory will be rejected). If you want to echo something and then exit with 0, you have to put "#0" at the beginning of the echo string. Exmp: echo "#0File will be accepted!" pre_check /bin/dupescript [path mask] pre_check runs BEFORE an upload begins For path mask description, see post_check below. See example dupescript in /glftpd/bin pre_dir_check /bin/dirscript [path mask] pre_dir_check runs BEFORE a directory is created For path mask description, see post_check below. See example dirscript in /glftpd/bin post_check /bin/zipscript [path mask] post_check runs AFTER an upload finishes post_check can be defined multiple times. Path mask is optional; if present, glftpd will only execute this script if the path mask matches the full path to where the file was uploaded. If the path doesn't match, glftpd will try to find another post_check declaration whose path does match, or one that doesn't have a path mask. Example: post_check none /site/public/* # disables zipscript in /site/public post_check /bin/ /site/special/* # special zipscript post_check /bin/zipscript * # normal zipscript for all other paths If you want to enable upload resume in a certain path, you should disable the zipscript for that path, so that partial files are not deleted when the uploader loses connection. The post_check script receives 3 parameters from glftpd: $1 - the name of file uploaded $2 - the directory the file was uploaded to $3 - the CRC code of that file (if calc_crc was enabled, or 000000 otherwise) NOTE: If the uploader times out the CRC code will also be 000000, this to prevent that if one reconnected and started uploading the same file again but left an stalled upload session alive a bad crc would be passed, and the file would get deleted. If zipscript exits with 1 or 127, glftpd assumes there was a problem executing it. The file will not be deleted or unduped. If zipscript exits with anything bigger than 1, glftpd will assume that the file uploaded was bad and it will be deleted, the user's credits and stats will not be added, and the file will be removed from the dupe database. If zipscript exits with a number between 10 and 1010, glftpd will "sleep" for that many seconds minus 10 before continuing. This might be helpful if you want to prevent people from uploading a file that is being uploaded to their system over and over until it is complete. ex. To make a user wait 10 seconds after uploading a bad file, exit with 20. NOTE: exit code 127 is exempted: it will NOT cause a delay, it will be treated like exit code 1 instead. idle_commands command1 [command2 command3 ...] This sets what commands to ignore when resetting the idle counter. ex. idle_commands noop pwd cwd* site[:space:]who This will not reset the idle counter when a user issues noop, pwd, cwd (alone or followed by other characters/arguments), or "site who", so users who use these commands and not any others will be disconnected after their idle timeout expires. NOTE: The "idle time" that you see in site who, gl_spy, etc, is NOT the same timer used to disconnect people, it is time idle since the last command issued by the user. The "real" idle timer is internal and cannot be seen (not that there is any reason to see it). NOTE: The STOR, APPE and RETR commands can't be used as idle commands because the timer *has to* be refreshed during transfer, otherwise people would drop out downloading big files. total_users <#> This sets a limit of how many users that can be added. lslong [] This sets the default 'ls' command parameters. ex. lslong -a This will make glftpd show hidden files by default The second argument is optional; it specifies the number of asterisks that glftpd will allow in arguments to LIST. The default is 2. If you want unlimited, use 0. exmp: ls /*/* will work by default, but ls /*/*/* will not - this is to prevent abuse of the globbing function that could raise load average on the box to very high levels. hidden_files [ ...] Specifies masks for files, directories, links, etc that will be skipped during directory listing, even if the -a switch is used to show standard hidden files (starting with .) Exmp: hidden_files / .message hidden.* noretrieve [ ...] Specifies files that cannot be downloaded. Password files and other sensitive files should be listed here. dir_names <1/0> [] [XY] [XY] ... Rules for new directory names. Caps Upper or Lower Character Conversions ---- -------------- --------------------- dir_names 1 lower [:space:]_ ,. [( ]) This will change the case of every character in new directories to lower case, capitalize the first character, convert all spaces to underscores, all commas to periods, and all brackets to parentheses. If you don't want the second option active, just use any word other than lower or upper, i.e. dir_names 1 blah [conversions...] If the second of the character pairs in the third option is the word NULL, the first character will simply be deleted. exmp: dir_names 1 nothing ,NULL 'NULL [( ]) [:space:]_ this will delete commas and apostrophes file_names <1/0> [] [XY] [XY] ... Rules for new file names. See dir_names as the same rules apply. tagline If a user's tagline matches string, he will be forced to change it before glftpd lets him download. email Admin's e-mail (used with the e-mail cookie). multiplier_max <#> The highest multiplier a nuker can use. oneliners <#> This tells the number of oneliners to show on the site onel command. If this is set to 0 or this line does not exist glftpd will consider the oneliners to be disabled. requests <#> Location # of lines to store -------- ------------------- requests /ftp-data/misc/requests 10 Tells glftpd where to look for the request display file and how many lines to store. lastonline <0/1/2> [#] This setting determains if we should log certain cases. If it is 0, all users will be logged. If it is 1, users who timed out and who didn't upload, download, nuke or add users will not be logged. If it is 2, users who quit, timed out, or lost connection (and who didn't upload, download, nuke, or add users) will not be logged. The second options is the default number of lines to show when someone does site laston. If none specified the default is 10. exmp: lastonline 0 10 NOTE: If there is no lastonline line in the config we will nog log the lastonline at all. empty_nuke <#> The amount of kbytes that will be removed from the user if his empty directory is nuked. nodupecheck This suspends both the internal dupe check (done by searching ftp-data/logs/dupefile) and the execution of pre_check (also called dupescript) for files uploaded under . This uses the same default wildcard-scheme. creditcheck [<-user|=group|flag> ...] Set other ratio than default on a directory. If the user doesn't match the permissions on the right, glftpd will move on to the next rule. Path is only checked if the permissions for this rule apply. If you don't have any permissions, * is assumed, so the rule applies to everyone. This ratio is only used for uploading, people get file size * ratio credits when they upload. This isn't used for downloading, so setting this to 0 does not allow people to download for free. Use the "creditloss" option for that. The path uses the same default wildcard-scheme. creditloss Sets the amount of credits lost in . If multiplier is 0, users downloading files that match will not lose any credits. If it's >1, users that match this rule will lose that number * filesize of credits for each file they download from . If second argument is "no" and the user's active ratio (either main ratio if sratio for the current section is -1, or sratio) is 0, the user will be denied downloads that match . The error given will be the same as if user had no 'download' right in glftpd.conf. can be either /path/to/filename, or /path/*. The second is recursive (obviously) and matches all files in that path. are the same -user =group flag used in many other settings. You can have multiple creditloss statements - first path match wins. Exmp: creditloss 0 yes /site/freestuff/* * This will allow everyone to download for free from /site/freestuff Exmp: creditloss 2 yes /site/heavystuff/* =somegroup This will charge members of somegroup twice the amount of credits they would lose for downloading files from /site/heavystuff without this rule. Exmp: creditloss 3 no /site/ * This will cause file /site/ to cost 3 * filesize of credits to people downloading it, and users with leech (ratio=0) will not be allowed to download it at all. nukedir_style <0/1/2> Settings for site NUKE command. 2nd option: 0 = delete all nuked directories 1 = delete files, keep directories 2 = keep files and directories nukedir_style NUKED-%N 2 50000 This would cause a nuked dir to be renamed to NUKED-Dirname. It would also save all files inside - so if you unnuke the directory, you get all files back. If the size of all files in the dir is below 50000 (third option), the dir will be treated as empty and nuked with the empty dir penalty. hideuser <-user/=group/flag> ... Allows you to hide users from being displayed in site who, added to the last-users-online file, or listed with "site users". exmp: hideuser -Usurper =HIDDENGROUP 1 7 =LEECH This will hide all users with siteop and useredit flags, all users belong to groups HIDDENGROUP or LEECH, and user Usurper. *NOTE* This setting does not affect siteops - they can see all. If you want to hide users from stat commands, you need to chown their userfiles to 99:99. privgroup Here you define your private groups. ex. privgroup STAFF Siteops[:space:]And[:space:]Such msgpath Display a file when a user goes into the specified directory. *NOTE* You NEED a trailing slash at the end of path if you don't have a wildcard there. exmp: msgpath /site/incoming/ /ftp-data/misc/incoming.txt * msgpath /site/incoming/????/* /ftp-data/misc/dir_and_subdirs.txt * msgpath /site/incoming/????/*/ /ftp-data/misc/somedirs.txt * NOTE: On the right, you need to specify which users this rule applies to. privpath Here you define who will get access to certain directories. Users that do not match any flags/groups/usernames will not see the directory. *NOTE* You can't use wildcards in the path here. Wildcards would slow down directory listing too much. site_cmd [optional argument] Here you can define external site commands. EXEC will execute a script/binary. TEXT will display a text file, converting cookies to their values. IS will execute the internal command specified afterwards. site_cmd UPURGE EXEC /bin/ site_cmd RULES TEXT /ftp-data/misc/site.rules site_cmd PICTURE TEXT /ftp-data/misc/picture.asc site_cmd WEEKTOP IS WKUP *NOTE* All custom commands need the access rights defined for them in order to work. Exmp: custom-rules * custom-picture =STAFF -Usurper 1 7 custom-weektop !8 * After defining here, you can use these as in "site rules" or "site upurge". Be aware that commands defined with the IS setting (like WEEKTOP above) are subject to 2 sets of restrictions: first, the custom-weektop setting, and then the -stats setting (which controls WKUP). If using the EXEC mode, you can specify an optional argument that will be passed to the program in front of any user arguments. To specify multiple arguments, use [:space:]. Example: site_cmd TEST EXEC /bin/ arg1[:space:]arg2 custom-test * Now when someone issues "site test moo", will be executed with 3 arguments: bleh blah moo. max_sitecmd_lines # Specifies the maximum number of output lines from a custom site command that are shown to users. Default is 9999. cscript CScript is short for Custom Script. Custom scripts (or binaries) to be executed before/after any command. - the name of the command before/after which to execute the script. - can be either "pre" or "post", to run before or after, respectively. - the full path to the script to be executed. If using a command with a space in it, like a site command, you need to use "[:space:]" between the words, ex: site[:space:]who. "post" scripts won't be able to echo anything because they are executed after glftpd sends the response to the client - can't do this any other way. If a "pre" script exits with anything bigger than 0 (or if it can't be executed), glftpd will NOT execute the command which should run after the script, nor will it execute that command's "post" script. Some "post" scripts will not be executed when the command they follow fails (for example, if you try to add a user, but have no access to the 'site adduser' command). Here is the list of commands that behave this way: DELE, RMD, STOR, APPE, STOU, RETR, CWD, CDUP, RNFR, RNTO, MKD, PASV, TYPE; and SITE commands: CHANGE, ADDUSER, GADDUSER, DELUSER, NUKE, UNNUKE, WIPE, KILL, KICK, REQUEST, REQFILLED, ONEL. This list might grow in the future. It is YOUR responsibility to echo the correct MESSAGE CODE with every echo line that you use - if you echo the wrong code, ftp clients may 'hang'. To find out what code you need to use, just look at what glftpd uses when that command is executed. Example: if you run a script before "site who", and you want to print something from it, use: echo -e "200Your message here\r". If you exit a pre script with 1 in order to prevent the user from executing the command, you might want to use a generic error code with your echo lines, like 500, which will tell the clients that this command was denied - or use the error code that glftpd uses when denying execution of this command. Both kinds of scripts will be passed 3 parameters: $1 = full command string the user used, $2 = user's login name, $3 = user's primary non-private group. ex: cscript site[:space:]who pre /bin/ cscript retr post /bin/ NOTE: There is no limit to how many cscript entries you can have. The following environment variables can be used by external scripts: $USER Username. $FLAGS User flags. $TAGLINE User tagline. $GROUP User group. $RATIO User ratio. $PGROUP 1st priv group. $SPEED Speed in K/s. This is exported after every upload/download. $HOST User's ident@ip $HOME User's home directory (from /glftpd/etc/passwd) $SECTION The name of the section user is currently in .------------------------------------. | Who can use what site commands? | `------------------------------------' Below is a list of configurable site commands. To the right of a command are flags - a user needs at least one of those to be able to execute the command. You can also use groupname instead of a flag (the format is =groupname) or username (format is -username). '*' means "everyone". A ! in front of a flag/group/username means no access if user matches this right - the scan through parameters will stop at this point (so first match, whether positive or negative, ends the search. No match is treated like a negative match - no access). Note: by default, gadmins have access to the following commands: -addip, -adduser, -changeratio, -chpass, -delip, -deluser, -flags, -ginfo, -grpnfo, -readd, -userextra. These commands are gadmin-restricted, meaning that if you are a gadmin you can only use those commands on users who are in the same group as your first (primary) group. Other commands are not gadmin-restricted, so if you give gadmins access to them, they will be able to use them on ANY user. The "site purge" command is also gadmin-restricted, but gadmins don't have access to it by default. Showing user comments when doing "site user", controlled by -usercomment, is also restricted but not enabled by default. -addip 1 2 7 -adduser 1 2 7 -change 1 7 -changeallot 1 2 7 #(who should be able to change users allotments) -changeflags 1 -changeratio 1 2 7 -changesratio 1 7 -changehomedir 1 -chmod 1 -chgadmin 1 7 #(who can set/unset gadmins) -chgrp 1 7 -chgrp-priv 1 #(chgrp for private groups) -chpass 1 2 7 -delip 1 2 7 -delownip !8 * #(let users delete their own ips) -deluser 1 2 7 -dirs !8 * #(search dupe new nukes unnukes cdpath alias) -emulate -specialuser -errlog 1 -flags 1 2 -gadduser 1 7 -ginfo 2 H -give G -group !3 * -groups * -grp * #(who should be able to do site grp) -groupcomment 1 #(who should see group.comment when doing site grp) -grpadd 1 -grpchange 1 #(who should be able to change a grp) -grpdel 1 -grplog 1 -grpnfo 1 2 -grpren 1 -grpstats * -help !8 * #(help) -info !8 * #(laston welcome) -kick D -kill E -laston !8 * -logins 1 -misc !8 * #(vers time color idle) -msg * #(reading/sending messages. !* here will deny the 3 settings below, too) -msg* 1 #(msg to everyone, msg * blah) -msg= 1 #(msg to a group (members of group are exempted), msg =STAFF blah) -msg{ * #(msg to several users, msg { a b c } blah) -nuke A -onel !8 * #(viewing oneliners with site onel) -userothers !8 * #(viewing xfer stats ed form other users) -oneladd !8 * #(adding oneliners with site onel something) -passwd * -predupe C -purge 1 -readd 1 2 7 -renuser 1 7 -reqlog 1 A B 7 -request !8 * #(viewing request, using site reqfilled) -requestadd !8 * #(adding requests) -seen !8 * #(who should have access to site seen) -show 1 -showhiddenusers 1 # Show hidden users in the site who and site swho -stat * #(site stat, displaying of statline after transfers) -stats !8 * #(wkup wkdn alup aldn monthup monthdn dayup daydn stats nuketop traffic gpal gpwk gpwd gpad) -swho =STAFF 1 E -take F -syslog 1 =STAFF -traffic 1 7 -undupe C -unnuke B -update 1 -user !8 * #(user seen unfo tagline) -users H -usercomment 1 7 #(who should see user.comment when doing site user) -userextra 1 2 7 #(who should see user's IPs when doing site user) -who * -wipe -trusteduser You can define your own "You do not have access to this command" for each of the settings above. First, create directory "ad" in /glftpd/ftp-data/misc. Then, create a file in that directory with the same name as the restriction keyword shown above, without the leading dash, and put whatever text you want displayed in it. (so, if you want glftpd to say "You do not have access to see who is online" when a user does "site who" and he/she doesn't have access to it, create a file called "who"). Glftpd will try to display the individual file first; if that doesn't work, it will show the generic no access error. # Custom commands must also be bound to flags, just add "custom-" # in front of the custom command's name custom-rules * .------------------------------------. |III. Complete list of site commands.| `------------------------------------' *** NOTE: In glftpd 1.17 and newer, access to site commands is defined in the config file (at the bottom), it is no longer hard-coded in glftpd. USAGE: site adduser [ ... ] Adds a user. You can have wild cards for users that have dynamic ips Examples: *@192.168.1.* , frank@192.168.*.* , bob@192.*.*.* (*@[5-9] will allow only to connect but no one else) If a user is added by a groupadmin, that user will have the GLOCK flag enabled and will inherit the home directory from the default.user or default. file. All default values for the user are read from file default.user in /glftpd/ftp-data/users. Comments inside describe what is what. Gadmins can be assigned their own default. userfiles as templates to be used when they add a user, if one is not found, default.user will be used. default.groupname files will also be used for "site gadduser". ex. site ADDUSER Archimede mypassword This would add the user 'Archimede' with the password 'mypassword'. ex. site ADDUSER Archimede mypassword *@ This would do the same as above + add the ip '*@' at the same time. HOMEDIRS: After login, the user will automatically be transferred into his/her homedir. As of 1.16.x this dir is now "kinda" chroot'ed and they are now unable to "cd ..". USAGE: site addip Add IP to user. Note: if you don't know what ident is, you need to read your internet-for-dummies book first. ex. site addip Archimede Archimede@ *@10.10. This would add the ident@ip 'Archimede@' and mask '*@10.10.*' to user 'Archimede'. (* at the end is optional in this case) ex. site addip Archimede Archimede@209.44.* *@ This would add all 3 ip masks to user 'Archimede'. ex. site addip lamer someident@[2-5]? This mask will match IPs through Warning: You can't use [] to declare range of numbers > 9, so [10-79] will not work. Use [1-7]? or [1-7][0-9] instead. Ranges that don't start at a power of 10 or don't end at 9 are not possible unless you add more than 1 mask. NOTE: There is a maximum of 10 IPs that can go into the userfile. If you need more than 10, you need to add them to a text file, each one on a line by itself, in the format ident@ip. To make glftpd use this file, the first IP in the userfile (IP0 in site user) has to look like this: IP !/path/to/iplist.txt Glftpd won't let you add an IP like that; you need to edit the userfile manually (in /glftpd/ftp-data/users) and add it. Make sure there are no DOS carriage returns at the end of each line in the file containing the list of IPs. If an entry in that file starts with !, it will be banned (meaning if the user connects from that ident@ip, he will NOT be allowed to log in, even if there is a different IP below that would let him in). The file can contain comments following each IP. Separate the comment from the IP with spaces/tabs followed by the # character. Exmp: ! #this user is not allowed to connect from this ip 2.3.4. #user's home ip mask (same as 2.3.4.*) USAGE: site aldn [number] [
] [<=group>] Display alltime downloaders. Number is optional - it controls the number of output lines. Section is optional. It can be either a section's name or number (0-9). If section is numeric, you need to preceed it by the number of output lines, e.g.: site aldn 10 2 This is the same for all statistic commands (wkup,gpal,nuketop,etc) <=group> is also optional. Specifying it will only show users who belong to that group, but the user doing it has to have special access in glftpd.conf to do it. This is controlled by the -grpstats setting. Exmp: -grpstats * site aldn =Friends site aldn 20 LinuxSection =Leechers USAGE: site alup [number] [
] [<=group>] Display alltime uploaders. USAGE: site dayup [number] [
] [<=group>] Display daytop upload. USAGE: site daydn [number] [
] [<=group>] Display daytop download. USAGE: site monthup [number] [
] [<=group>] Display monthtop upload. USAGE: site monthdn [number] [
] [<=group>] Display monthtop download. USAGE: site nuketop [number] [
] [<=group>] Display alltime nuketop. USAGE: site wkup [number] [
] [<=group>] Display weektop uploaders. USAGE: site wkdn [number] [
] [<=group>] Display weektop downloaders. USAGE: site alias Show current aliases. USAGE: site cdpath Show current cdpaths. USAGE: site chpass Change users password. ex. site chpass Archimede newpassword This would change the password to 'newpassword' for the user 'Archimede'. See "site passwd" for more info if you get a "Password is not secure enough" error. * Denotes any password, ex. site chpass arch * This will allow arch to login with any password @ Denotes any email-like password, ex. site chpass arch @ This will allow arch to login with but not USAGE: chgadmin Toggle the users gadmin status for the given group. NOTE: When a user becomes a gadmin he will automaticly get flag 2 added. When a user stops to become a gadmin of any of his groups the gadmin flag will be automaticly removed. USAGE: site change - change a field for a user site change = - change a field for each member of group site change { .. } - change a field for each user in the list site change * - change a field for everyone Type "site change user help" in glftpd for syntax. Fields available: Field Description ------------------------------------------------------------- ratio Upload/Download ratio. 0 = Unlimited (Leech) wkly_allotment The number of kilobytes that this user will be given once a week (you need the reset binary enabled in your crontab). Syntax: site change user wkly_allotment "#,###" The first number is the section number (0=default section), the second is the number of kilobytes to give. (user's credits are replaced, not added to, with this value) Only one section at a time is supported, homedir This will change the user's homedir. NOTE: This command is disabled by default. To enable it, add "min_homedir /site" to your config file, where "/site" is the minimum directory that users can have, i.e. you can't change a user's home directory to /ftp-data or anything that doesn't have "/site" at the beginning. Important: don't use a trailing slash for homedir! Users CAN NOT cd, list, upload/download, etc, outside of their home dir. It acts similarly to chroot() (try man chroot). startup_dir The directory to start in. ex: /incoming will start the user in /glftpd/site/incoming if rootpath is /glftpd and homedir is /site. Users CAN cd, list, upload/download, etc, outside of startup_dir. idle_time Sets the default and maximum idle time for this user (overrides the -t and -T settings on glftpd command line). If -1, it is disabled; if 0, it is the same as the idler flag. expires yyyy-mm-dd : The date a user expires, after this date a user will no longer be able to login. To never let a user expire use "never" instead of yyyy-mm-dd. credits Credits left to download. flags +1ABC or +H or -3, type "site flags" for a list of flags. num_logins # # : number of simultaneous logins allowed. The second number is number of sim. logins from the same IP. timeframe # # : the hour from which to allow logins and the hour when logins from this user will start being rejected. This is set in a 24 hour format. If a user is online past his timeframe, he'll be disconnected the next time he does a 'CWD'. time_limit Time limits, per LOGIN SESSION. (set in minutes. 0 = Unlimited) tagline User's tagline. comment Changes the user's comment (max 50 characters). Comments are displayed by the comment cookie (see below). max_dlspeed Downstream bandwidth control (KBytes/sec) (0 = Unlimited) max_ulspeed Same but for uploads max_sim_down Maximum number of simultaneous downloads for this user (-1 = unlimited, 0 = zero [user can't download]) max_sim_up Maximum number of simultaneous uploads for this user (-1 = unlimited, 0 = zero [user can't upload]) sratio <#> This is to change the ratio of a section (other than default). expires yyyyddmm : Date after which a user expires (0 = Never). Flags available: Flagname Flag Description ------------------------------------------------------------- SITEOP 1 User is siteop. GADMIN 2 User is Groupadmin of one of his/her groups (doesn't work for private groups). GLOCK 3 User cannot change group. EXEMPT 4 Allows to log in when site is full. Also allows user to do "site idle 0", which is the same as having the idler flag. Also exempts the user from the sim_xfers limit in config file. COLOR 5 Enable/Disable the use of color (toggle with "site color"). DELETED 6 User is deleted. USEREDIT 7 "Co-Siteop" ANON 8 User is anonymous (per-session like login). *NOTE* The 1 flag is not GOD mode, you must have the correct flags for the actions you wish to perform. *NOTE* If you have flag 1 then you DO NOT WANT flag 2 *NOTE* As of version 2.00 the gadmin flag can not be changed by using site change anylonger. The only way to set/unset a gadmin is not with site chgadmin. Restrictions placed on users flagged ANONYMOUS. 1. '!' on login is ignored. 2. They cannot DELETE, RMDIR, or RENAME. 3. Userfiles do not update like usual, meaning no stats will be kept for these users. The userfile only serves as a template for the starting environment of the logged in user. Use external scripts if you must keep records of their transfer stats. NUKE A User is allowed to use site NUKE. UNNUKE B User is allowed to use site UNNUKE. UNDUPE C User is allowed to use site UNDUPE. KICK D User is allowed to use site KICK. KILL E User is allowed to use site KILL/SWHO. TAKE F User is allowed to use site TAKE. GIVE G User is allowed to use site GIVE. USERS/USER H This allows you to view users ( site USER/USERS ) IDLER I User is allowed to idle forever. CUSTOM1 J Custom flag 1 CUSTOM2 K Custom flag 2 CUSTOM3 L Custom flag 3 CUSTOM4 M Custom flag 4 CUSTOM5 N Custom flag 5 You can use custom flags in the config file to give some users access to certain things without having to use private groups. These flags will only show up in "site flags" if they're turned on. ex. site change Archimede ratio 5 This would set the ratio to 1:5 for the user 'Archimede'. NOTE: The flag DELETED can not be changed with site change, it will change when someone does a site deluser/readd. USAGE: site chgrp [] Adds/removes a user from group(s). ex. site chgrp archimede ftp This would change the group to 'ftp' for the user 'archimede'. ex1. site chgrp archimede ftp This would remove the group ftp from the user 'archimede'. ex2. site chgrp archimede ftp eleet This moves archimede from ftp group to eleet group. NOTE: When adding a user to a group the group must have available slots left, even when you are a siteop. USAGE: site chmod Changes a file's permissions to mask. ex. site chmod 444 ex. site chmod 777 /site/incoming USAGE: site color [on/off/show] Enable/Disable the use of colors. If no arguments are specified, this will toggle color. * NOTE: This will screw up many windows clients if enabled * USAGE: site delip ... Delete IP from user, you can also use the ip number. (Takes up to 10 arguments) ex. site delip Archimede Archimede@ This would remove the ident@ip 'Archimede@' from the user 'Archimede'. ex. site delip Archimede 1 This would remove ident@ip #1 from the user 'Archimede'. (Get list with site user ) USAGE: site deluser Delete a user, may be readded with site READD. ex. site deluser Archimede This will activate the flag DELETED (6) for the user 'Archimede'. In order to fully delete this user you will need to do a 'site purge' USAGE: site dupe [-max ] [-from ] [-to ] [ ... ] Searches the dupe database (ftp-data/logs/dupelog) for a match. Searching a big database can take quite some time so please be patient. Do NOT include wildcards! This will only search for directories! If -max is not specified, glftpd defaults to 20 matches. Matches are taken from the bottom of the dupelog (newest entries are at the bottom). If you specify more than one search string, glftpd will only show entries with ALL the search strings present. ex. site dupe quake This will search the database for the string quake. ex. site dupe quake arena This will find "Quake_Arena" but not just "Quake". ex. site dupe -from 010199 -to 010100 duke nukem 3D This will search for "duke", "nukem", and "3d" in all of 1999. ex. site dupe -max 50 linux glftpd 1. This will show up to 50 entries with "glftpd", "linux" and "1." in the name, like "Glftpd.for.linux.v1.20" or "glftpd.v1.19_for_linux". USAGE: site emulate Load user's userfile into your process' memory, essentially becoming that user (although some things, like home directory or 'site who' display, won't change). Need -emulate permission in config file. This was created for special scripts, so they can act as some user without having to know his password and logging in as that user. Most siteops will find no use for this. Note: This isn't TRUE emulation, you shouldn't use this to do serious things. Some things won't work, and some will work incorrectly. The only way to achieve 'true' emulation is to log in as that user. USAGE: site errlog [] [] Display the error log. This displays '/glftpd/ftp-data/logs/error.log' See info about "site syslog" for syntax. USAGE: site fdupe [-max ] [-from ] [-to ] [ ... ] Searches the dupe database (ftp-data/logs/dupelog) for a match. Searching a big database can take quite some time so please be patient. Do NOT include wildcards! We will only search for filenames! If -max is not specified, glftpd defaults to 20 matches. Matches are taken from the bottom of the dupelog (newest entries are at the bottom). If you specify more than one search string, glftpd will only show entries with ALL the search strings present. ex. site dupe quake This will search the database for the string quake. ex. site dupe quake arena This will find "Quake_Arena" but not just "Quake". ex. site dupe -from 010199 -to 010100 duke nukem 3D This will search for "duke", "nukem", and "3d" in all of 1999. ex. site dupe -max 50 linux glftpd 1. This will show up to 50 entries with "glftpd", "linux" and "1." in the name, like "Glftpd.for.linux.v1.20" or "glftpd.v1.19_for_linux". USAGE: site flags [] Display a user's flags. ex. site flags This will show your own flags. ex. site flags Archimede This will show flags of user Archimede. USAGE: site gadduser [] Adds a user and changes his/her group to . If exists, it will be used as a base instead of default.user. Only public groups can be used as . NOTE: When adding a user to a group the group must have available slots left, even when you are a siteop. USAGE: site group [] Shows your current groups or leaves/joins a group. To join a group simply pass the groupname as a parameter to the command. You must leave all groups before you can join a new one. Only users with the siteop flag enabled can change private groups (see site CHGRP). ex. site group This will display the groups you are in. ex. site group ftp With this you will join/leave group 'ftp'. USAGE: site groups Shows available groups. USAGE: site ginfo Shows detailed info on a group. ex. site ginfo ftp This will show detailed info on the group 'ftp'. If a user is deleted, his tagline will be replaced by "***DELETED***". USAGE: site give [gGmM] [] Gives credits to user (Taken from you) ex. site give Archimede 100000 there you go The optional g/m suffix will take the number to be gigabytes or megabytes. This will give around 100mb of credits to user 'Archimede' and send the message 'there you go'. USAGE: site gpal [number] [
] Display alltime group upload. USAGE: site gpmonthup [number] [
] Display month group upload. USAGE: site gpmonthdn [number] [
] Display month group download. USAGE: site gpwk [number] [
] Display weektop group upload. USAGE: site gpwd [number] [
] Display weektop group download. USAGE: site gpad [number] [
] Display alltime group download. USAGE: site grp Display the group info. USAGE: site grpchange - change a field for one group site grpchange { } - change a field for multiple groups site grpchange * - change a field for all groups Type "site grpchange group help" in glftpd for syntax. Fields available: Field Description ------------------------------------------------------------- slots Change the available number of slots for this group. -1 is unlimited. leech_slots Change the available number of leech slots for this group. -1 is unlimited, -2 is disabled. allot_slots Change the available number of allotment slots for this group. -1 is unlimited, -2 is disabled. max_allot_size Change the max allotment size that a gadmin can give for this group. 0 is unlimited. max_logins Change the maximum number of users from this group that can simultanious login. comment Change the comment for this group. USAGE: site grpadd [] Add a new group. ex. site grpadd group new_group This would add the group 'group' with the description 'new_group'. USAGE: site grpdel Delete a group. ex. site grpdel group This would delete the group 'group'. USAGE: site grpren Rename a group. ex. site grpren ftp new_ftp This would change the group name 'ftp' to 'new_ftp'. All users in group 'ftp' will now automatically belong to 'new_ftp'. USAGE: site grpnfo Change description for a group. ex. site grpnfo ftp new_description This will change the current description for the group 'ftp' to 'new_description'. USAGE: site help Display helpscreen. USAGE: site idle [] Set your idle-time (per-session only). This sets your idle-time (the amount of time you can be online without doing something). Max idle-time is 7200 sec. ex. site idle This will show you current idle-time settings. ex. site idle 7200 This will set your idle-timeout to 7200 sec. "site idle 0" for users that have the exempt flag will allow them to idle forever ### NOTE: If you assign a user the +I flag he will idle forever without needing to perform the above command. USAGE: site kick Kick a user off the site. ex. site kick Archimede This will kill all connections for the user 'Archimede' USAGE: site kill Kill a PID. ex. site kill 345 This will kill pid# 345 (if it belongs to a glftpd user). USAGE: site logins [] [] Display failed logins. This displays '/glftpd/ftp-data/logs/login.log' See info about "site syslog" for syntax. USAGE: site laston [num] [-user] [=group] [type] Displays the last users that where online. Options: [num] The number of entries to show [-user] Only show lastonlines from this user [=group] Only show lastonlines from this group [type] Only show lastonlines from this type Types can be either: U (Upload) D (Download) A (Added user) L (Lost connection) T (Timed out) N (Nuked a dir) NOTES: You can only specify ONE type at the time. You are able to combine the different options in any way you choose. USAGE: site msg Shows messages waiting / sends a message. Every user has his/her own mailbox, with this command you can either send mail to a user or read your mail. As of 1.17.2 the mailbox has been expanded. You now get an inbox and a trash. When you do "site msg read", your mail goes into trash. Everything from trash gets deleted when you log off. OPTIONS: read - lets you read your messages save - Will copy your messages from trash to inbox purge - Will purge messages from trash tread - Will read messages that are in the trash - send a message to user { .. } - send a message to all users in the list (30 max) = - send message to all members of * - send message to every user on the site ex. site msg read This will display any mail waiting in my mailbox. ex. site msg Archimede Hi there! This will send the message 'Hi there!' to user Archimede. ex. site msg =STAFF don't add any more users. This will send the message 'don't add any more users.' to every member of group STAFF ex. site msg { frank bob john mary } whats up This will send the message 'whats up' to users frank, bob, john, mary ex. site msg * The server has been upgraded to version 1.16.8 This will inform everyone that you upgraded the server. ex. site msg save This will save any messages that are in your trash ex. site msg purge This will purge any messages you have USAGE: site nuke Nuke a directory ex. site nuke shit 2 CRAP This will nuke the directory 'shit' and remove x2 credits with the comment 'CRAP'. NOTE: You can enclose the directory in braces if you have spaces in the name ex. site NUKE {My directory name} 1 because_i_dont_like_it USAGE: site nukes Display recently nuked releases. USAGE: site new [.] [<#>] Display newest created directories (taken from dirlog). ex. site new This will display the 10 newest directories. ex. site new . This will show new directories in the current dir tree ex. site new 40 This will display the 40 newest directories everywhere. ex. site new . 20 This will show the last 20 dirs made in the current dir tree. NOTE: Users are only able to see directories created under their home directory. If your homedir is /site/public, you will not see directories created in /site/private by using site new. To achieve this, you need to set up a %NEW cookie in a text file with /site/private as a parameter, and use msgpath or a custom command to display it. USAGE: site onel [] Show/Add oneliner. ex. site onel This will display the current oneliners. ex. site onel Archimede was here This will add 'Archimede was here' to the oneliners. USAGE: site passwd Change your password. ex. site passwd newpass This will change your password to 'newpass'. If you can't change your password because it's not 'secure' enough, see the section about the secure_pass setting in the config file. Passwords can only be 8 characters long. USAGE: site purge [] Remove deleted users, site READD will NOT work for purged users. ex. site purge This will REMOVE ALL users who have the DELETED flag. ex. site purge frank This will remove just frank and leave the rest of deleted users on site If you are a gadmin, you can only purge users from your group (that is, if you are given access to this command in the config file). USAGE: site renuser Rename a user ex. site renuser usurper Usurper This will make usurper look bigger and meaner USAGE: site request [] Add/Display Requests. ex. site request This will display the current requests. ex. site request A new super-duper-fast computer! This will add my request to the requestlist. If logging is enabled, new requests are logged to glftpd.log USAGE: site reqfilled <#> Fill a request. ex. site reqfilled 3 This will remove request number 3 from the request list and send mail to the user who made the request saying you filled it. (List requests with site request) If logging is enabled, filled requests get logged to glftpd.log. They are also always logged to request.log. USAGE: site reqlog [] [] Show the log of filled requests. This displays '/glftpd/ftp-data/logs/request.log' See info about "site syslog" for syntax. USAGE: site readd [] Readd user. ex. site readd This will show a list of users that can be readded. (You can also achieve this with "site users deleted") ex. site readd Archimede This will remove the DELETED flag for user 'Archimede'. NOTE: When readding a user from a group the group must have available slots left, even when you are a siteop. USAGE: site stat Display your current status line. USAGE: site search [ ...] Searches the entire site for matching directory names. (ftp-data/logs/dirlog is what's being searched. If this command finds old non-existing directories, you need to run the "olddirclean2" utility to clean your dirlog. Best run it from crontab.) ex. site search quake This will search the entire site for directories containing the string 'quake'. The search is NOT case-sensitive. ex. site search linux gnu This will find all directories that contain both "linux" and "gnu" USAGE: site seen Check when a user was last online. ex. site seen Archimede This will display the last time Archimede logged in. USAGE: site stats [] Display a user's upload/download statistics. Definable in '/ftp-data/text/user.stats' If you have multiple sections then this will display stats from all sections. (But you have to copy this file to SECTIONuser.stats. exmp: if you have a section called GAMES then glftpd will look for the files user.stats and GAMESuser.stats in the /ftp-data/text dir. USAGE: site show Displays the userfile in raw format. USAGE: site swho Shows detailed information about users online. USAGE: site tagline [] Shows/Sets your tagline ex. site tagline This will show your current tagline. ex. site tagline Archimede owns This will set your tagline to 'Archimede owns'. USAGE: site take [gGmM] [] Removes credit from user ex. site take Archimede 100000 haha The optional g/m suffix will take the number to be gigabytes or megabytes. This will remove 100mb of credits from the user 'Archimede' and send the message haha to him. USAGE: site time Display current time on the site. USAGE: site unnukes Display recently unnuked releases. USAGE: site user [] Lists users / Shows detailed info about a user. ex. site user This will display a list of all users currently on site. ex. site user Archimede This will show detailed information about user 'Archimede'. USAGE: site users [keyword|flag|=group|usernam*] Lists users and shows their group, ul stats, dl stats, and credits. Use a keyword to limit the display to specific users. A keyword can be: deleted,siteop,gadmin,leech,anonymous,glock,exempt, useredit,nuke,unnuke,undupe,kick,kill,take,give,users,idler. Specifying a group's name instead of a keyword will only list users that belong to that group. Specifying a flag will only lists users with that flag. Exmp: site users 1 (list all siteops), site users 5 (all users with color turned on), site users =STAFF (all users in group STAFF). You can use partial username with a * at the end to find all users whose name starts with those letters. ex. site users f* This will find frank, frog, etc. USAGE: site update Adds all dirs matching in current directory to dirlog (for "site new") ex. site update A* This will add all directories in current path that start with A to the dirlog. USAGE: site syslog [] [] Display the user changes log (ftp-data/logs/sysop.log). If you don't specify a number, the whole log will be shown. If you do specify a number, it will only show changes that number of days old. ex. site syslog 5 If you specify a searchstring, only entries containing that string will be shown. ex. site syslog 10 deleted ex. site syslog added -OR- site syslog 0 added USAGE: site traffic Display total uploads/downloads by all existing users in all sections. USAGE: site unnuke Unnuke a directory. ex. site unnuke shit NOT CRAP This will unnuke the directory 'shit' with the comment 'NOT CRAP'. NOTE: You can enclose the directory in braces if you have spaces in the name ex. site unnuke {My directory name} justcause You need to configure glftpd to keep nuked files if you want to unnuke. See the section about glftpd.conf. USAGE: site undupe Remove filename(s) from ftp-data/logs/dupefile ex. site undupe cls* This will remove all files that start with the string 'cls' from the dupe database. USAGE: site predupe Adds to the dupefile database, so that it can't be uploaded. Users need access to -predupe in glftpd.conf to use this. Files that match those listed under ignore_type in glftpd.conf will not be added. USAGE: site vers Show current glftpd version. USAGE: site who Display users currently online. USAGE: site welcome Display the welcome screen. USAGE: site wipe [-r] This is similar to the UNIX rm command. In glftpd, if you just delete a file, the uploader loses credits and upload stats for it. There are many people who didn't like that and were unable/too lazy to write a shell script to do it for them, so I wrote this command to get them off my back. If the argument is a file, it will simply be deleted. If it's a directory, it and the files it contains will be deleted. If the directory contains other directories, the deletion will be aborted. To remove a directory containing subdirectories, you need to use "site wipe -r dirname". BE CAREFUL WHO YOU GIVE ACCESS TO THIS COMMAND. Glftpd will check if the parent directory of the file/directory you're trying to delete is writable by its owner. If not, wipe will not execute, so to protect directories from being wiped, make their parent 555. Also, wipe will only work where you have the right to delete (in glftpd.conf). Delete right and parent directory's mode of 755/777/etc will cause glftpd to SWITCH TO ROOT UID and wipe the file/directory. "site wipe -r /" will not work, but "site wipe -r /incoming" WILL, SO BE CAREFUL. This command will remove the deleted files/directories from the dirlog and dupefile databases. To give access to this command, add "-wipe -user flag =group" to the config file (similar to other site commands). *NOTE* The two commands below require unzip to reside in the /bin directory (it's /bin in the chroot'ed environment, so /glftpd/bin in reality) USAGE: site xdupe [mode] If mode is present, xdupe mode will be set to it. If not, glftpd will print currently set mode. Xdupe will allow clients that keep queues of files to be uploaded to quickly remove files from their queue if they already exist on the glftpd site, without the need to refresh. This should minimize the number of 'dupe' errors as clients try to upload files that have already been uploaded by someone else to the current directory. When this is turned on (through 'site xdupe'), glftpd will give a list of files, preceded by the string "X-DUPE:", right before the usual "this file is a dupe" message. The files are first matched against a list of file masks on the "xdupe" line in glftpd.conf. See the included x-dupe-info.txt for more details. Currently, pftp is the only client which supports this feature. example config file entry: xdupe *.zip *.rar *.r[0-9][0-9] *.gz *.tgz *.arj .------------------------------------. IV. color cookies `------------------------------------' Here are all the color cookies available: Use without the ':' Normal colors ------------- !a: Black !A: Dark gray !b: Red !B: Bright red !c: Green !C: Bright green !d: Brown !D: Yellow !e: Blue !E: Bright blue !f: Magenta !F: Bright magenta !g: Cyan !G: Bright cyan !h: Light Gray !H: White Blinking colors --------------- !k: Black !K: Dark gray !l: Red !L: Bright red !m: Green !M: Bright green !n: Brown !N: Yellow !o: Blue !O: Bright blue !p: Magenta !P: Bright magenta !r: Cyan !R: Bright cyan !s: Lt. Gray !S: White Background colors ----------------- !1: Black !2: Red !3: Green !4: Yellow !5: Blue !6: Magenta !7: Cyan !8: White Special Cookies --------------- !0: All attributes off (use at end of each line!) !!: display a single "!" !Z: generic bold code .------------------------------------. V. Other cookies `------------------------------------' Here are all cookies available: Use without ':' Cookies %d - decimal, %f - float, %s - string WARNING: Be sure the above parameters are used correctly with the right cookie. ex. FREESPACE %[%.1f]FMB = 755.5MB HOSTNAME %[%-13.13s]E = localhost@127 COUNTER %[%02d]c = 01 TRANSFER RATE %[%.2f]AK/s = 150.23K/s %[%f]A: Last Real-Time Avg. transfer Rate in K/sec. %[%f]F: Free Space in CWD in MB. %[%s]E: Email address %[%d]M: Max # of users allowed online. %[%s]T: Current Time/Date %[%s]D: Date/Time current file was last modified. %[%s]R: RemoteHost %[%s]H: Hostname %[%s]S: sitename Long Format %[%s]s: sitename Short Format %[%d]c: Counter %[%s]d: Current Directory %[%s]b: Name of current section %[%s]P: Type of SSL connection (ctrl&data or ctrl, or none if not using SSL) %%: Literal '%' %[%d]B: # of users currently logged in. %[%d]Bo: # of users currently logged in excluding the hidden users. %[%s]Iu: Username %[%s]I$: User's comment (use with caution) %[%s]I!: Users expire date. %[%s]I-: The user that added this user. %[%s]Iy: Groups: Long string separated by spaces (with a prepented * if the user is a gadmin for this group). %[%s]IY: Private Groups: Long string separated by spaces. %[%s]IZ: User flags %[%s]Ir: Ratio: "1:x" or "Unlimited" if ratio is 0 %[%s]Id: Will print a 'Y' if the user has messages waiting and an 'N' if not. %[%s]IE: Shows the timeframe %[%d]If: Total # of files uploaded %[%d]IF: # of files uploaded this call %[%d]Ig: # of files uploaded this week %[%d]Ia: # of files uploaded this month %[%d]IA: # of files uploaded this day %[%f]IG: Total # of bytes uploaded in MB. %[%f]Ih: # of bytes uploaded this week in MB. %[%f]IH: # of bytes uploaded this call in MB. %[%f]Ib: # of bytes uploaded this month in MB. %[%f]IB: # of bytes uploaded this day in MB. %[%d]Ii: Total # of files downloaded %[%d]II: # of files downloaded this week %[%d]Ij: # of files downloaded this call %[%d]In: # of files downloaded this month %[%d]IN: # of files downloaded this day %[%f]IJ: Total # of bytes downloaded in MB. %[%f]Ik: # of bytes downloaded this week in MB. %[%f]IK: # of bytes downloaded this call in MB. %[%f]Ip: # of bytes downloaded this month in MB. %[%f]IP: # of bytes downloaded this day in MB. %[%f]IU: Average upload rate in K/sec. %[%f]ID: Average download rate in K/sec. %[%f]IS: Average download rate in K/sec this day. %[%f]IV: Average download rate in K/sec this week. %[%f]Iv: Average download rate in K/sec this month. %[%f]Iq: Average upload rate in K/sec this week. %[%f]IQ: Average upload rate in K/sec this month. %[%f]Is: Average upload rate in K/sec this day. %[%f]IR: Overall Average transfer rate in K/sec. %[%s]It: User tagline %[%s]IT: Last time/date online for user %[%d]Iw: Time Limit in Minutes %[%f]Ic: Amount of credits in MB. %[%d]IL: Total number of times user has logged in. %[%s]IM: Max # of simultaneous logins for user or "Unlimited" %[%s]I#: Max # of sim. logins from the same IP %[%d]Im: Number of times current user is logged in. %[%s]Io: Time Online this call. %[%s]Ie: Time Online today. %[%s]IC: When user was added to system. %[%f]IW: Weekly Allotment in megs %[%s]Il: Last Nuked %[%d]IO: Times Nuked %[%f]Ix: Bytes Nuked %[%s]I0: Ip #1 of User %[%s]I1: Ip #2 %[%s]I2: Ip #3 %[%s]I3: Ip #4 %[%s]I4: Ip #5 %[%s]I5: Ip #6 %[%s]I6: Ip #7 %[%s]I7: Ip #8 %[%s]I8: Ip #9 %[%s]I9: Ip #10 %[%f]Iz: User's max allowed download speed. %[%f]I&: User's max allowed upload speed. %[%s]I^: User's max simultaneous uploads %[%s]I*: User's max simultaneous downloads %[%s]I+: Last time/date we saw the user. %[%s]I@: Maximum individual idle time, or 'Disabled' if -1 Flags Cookies ------------- %[%s]fX: '*' will be printed if user has flag X, ' ' otherwise. Ginfo Cookies ------------- ginfo.body: %[%s]ga: User's ratio %[%f]gb: User's bytes up %[%f]gc: User's bytes down %[%d]gf: User's files up %[%d]gg: User's files down %[%s]gu: Username %[%s]gt: Tagline %[%f]gW: Wkly in MB ginfo.foot: %[%d]gk: Number of users %[%d]gl: Number of leechers %[%d]gx: Total files up %[%d]gy: Total files down %[%f]gm: Total megs up %[%f]gn: Total megs down %[%s]gh: Number of free slots %[%s]gi: Number of free leech slots %[%s]gj: Number of free allotment slots Group Info Cookies ------------------ %[%s]Cg: Group name %[%s]Cc: Group comment %[%s]CS: Number of free slots %[%s]Cl: Number of free leech slots %[%s]Ca: Number of free allotment slots %[%s]Cw: Maximum allotment size %[%s]Cs: Maximum number of simultanious users %[%s]Ci: Group info Show_totals Cookies ---------------- %[%s]Zu: Uploader %[%s]Zg: Group %[%s]Zb: total bytes by uploader %[%s]Zf: total files by uploader %[%f]Zp: Percentage of total bytes up'd by uploader %[%f]ZP: Total Percentage %[%s]ZB: Total bytes in DiR %[%s]ZF: Total files in DiR Who's Online Cookies -------------------- %[%s]Wa: User action %[%s]Wo: Time Online %[%s]Wi: Idle Time %[%s]WI: Time since the last succesfull transfer %[%s]Wu: Username %[%s]Wg: Group %[%s]Wp: PiD %[%s]Wd: Current directory %[%s]Wh: Remote hostname %[%s]Wt: User's tagline %[%s]Ws: The user is using SSL? (ctrl&data, ctrl or none). %[%s]Wx: Total upload speed by all visible users %[%s]Wy: Total download speed Onliners Cookies ---------------- %[%s]ou: The user who added the oneliner %[%s]og: The users group %[%s]ot: The users tagline %[%s]oD: The day it was added %[%s]oM: The month is was added %[%s]oY: The year it was added %[%s]om: The message Lastonline Cookies ------------------ %[%s]Lu: The username %[%s]Lg: The groupname %[%s]Lt: The users tagline %[%s]Li: The time of logon %[%s]Lo: The time of logoff %[%s]LU: The amount of bytes uploaded %[%s]LD: The emount of bytes downloaded %[%s]Ls: The actions the user did New Directories Cookies ----------------------- %[%s]ND: Newest directory (full path) %[%s]Nd: Newest directory %[%s]Na: Age %[%s]Nm: Owner %[%s]Ns: Size Nuke/Unnuke Cookies ------------------- %[%s]KD: Nuked/UnNuked directory (full path) %[%s]Kd: Nuked/UnNuked dir %[%s]Ka: Age %[%s]Kr: Reason/Comment %[%s]Kn: Nukee/Old Nukee %[%s]KN: Nuker/UnNuker %[%s]Ks: Multiplier + Size Multipurpose STAT Cookies ------------------------- %[%s]Gb: Bytes - Available for all stats. %[%s]GN: Times nuked - Nuketop cookie only. %[%s]Gs: Speed in K/s - Used in all but nuketop and grouptops. %[%s]Gn: Bytes nuked - Nuketop cookie only. %[%s]Gt: User's tagline. Used in all but grouptops. %[%s]Gu: Username. Used in all but grouptops. %[%s]Gg: Group - Available for all stats. %[%s]Gf: Number of files. Used in all but nuketop. %[%s]Gp: Percantage of the total amount of bytes. Used in all usertops. %[%s]Gd: Group description. Used in grouptops only. %[%s]Gm: # of Group members. Used in grouptops only. Special Cookie -------------- %=FLAG/path/file Display file only if user has FLAG enabled ex. %=123/ftp-data/text/ This would display the file '' to user with flags 1,2,3 enabled. Conditional Cookie ------------------ This is a cookie that works like an if/else statement. It will check whether the user has flags or is in groups listed, and will print different chunks of text based on the result. Syntax: %?X,=group:text1:text2:? ...where X is a flag, text1 is the text printed if user has access, and text2 is printed if not. "%?" is the beginning of the cookie, a single '?' is the end, and ':' is the field delimiter. The ':' and '?' characters must not be used as part of text1 or text2, since glftpd would confuse it with field delimiter or end of cookie. One flag or group is the minimum condition; multiple flags or groups, which can be mixed, must be separated by commas. The text1 and text2 fields can be plain text, regular cookies, color cookies, or the %LOGOUT super-cookie. Example: %?1:You are a siteop, %[%s]Iu:You are not a siteop:? (this will print "You are a siteop, username" if user has flag 1, and "You are not a siteop" otherwise). Example: %?=disabled:Your account is disabled. %LOGOUT::? (this will log out users who are in group 'disabled', and will do nothing for everyone else). Example: Your comment is %?1,=STAFF:%[%s]I$:hidden:?. (this will print "Your comment is ." for siteops and users in group STAFF, and "Your comment is hidden." for everyone else. "Super" Cookies --------------- These cookies only work by themselves at the beginning of the line. Replace '#' with a number of your choice to specify the amount of lines to display. For the statistic cookies, section is optional. If it's missing, stats will be calculated for the current section. You can use either section name or number (default section is 0, section 10 is 9). %!/dir/file Display File %=123/dir/file Display file if user has flags 1, 2, or 3 set. %@GROUP /dir/fil Display File if user is in GROUP %EXEC/dir/file Execute & Display File %NEW# Show newest # uploads in (both are optional). can be . to show new uploads in current dir. %ONEL Display current oneliners %LASTON Display last users online %LOGOUT Properly log off (erasing shared memory segment, etc). %WHO Display who's online %REQS Display requests %NUKES# Display nukes %UNNUKES# Display unnukes %WEEKUP# [] Display WEEKTOP uploaders %WEEKDN# [] Display WEEKTOP downloaders %DAYUP# [] Display Today's top uploaders %DAYDN# [] Display Today's top downloaders %MONTHUP# [] Display the Top Uploaders for the Month %MONTHDN# [] Display the Top Leechers for the Month %ALLUP# [] Display ALLTIME top uploaders %ALLDN# [] Display ALLTIME top downloaders %GALLTOP# [] Display the ALLTIME top groups %GWKTOP# [] Display the TOP groups for the week. %GALLDOWN# [] Display the ALLTIME top group downloaders. %GWKDOWN# [] Display the WEEK top group downloaders. %NUKETOP# [] Display nuketop .------------------------------------. | VI. glftpd strings | `------------------------------------' Glftpd strings (keywords: glstrings, glstrings.bin) --------------------------------------------------- Glstrings is the name of an external package that contains most of the reply strings in glftpd. For example, when glftpd replies "user logged in" after logging in, or "you do not have access to this command" if a user tries to execute a command he has no access to, these responses are now taken from the glstrings package instead of being hard-coded into the glftpd binary. Glstrings was created in glftpd version 1.25 in Autumn 2001. The default strings file, in binary format, is called glstrings.bin and it resides in /glftpd/bin. Glftpd will by default try to read that file when a user connects. If your glftpd is in a different location, you need to specify the path to glstrings.bin on the command line (in inetd.conf or xinetd.conf). Use the -s switch for that. Exmp: glftpd -l -o -i -s/glftpd/mystringsfile.bin The rest of the glstrings package resides in /glftpd/bin/sources/glstrings. It contains programs to compile and decompile the strings file, as well as documentation for those who wish to modify default strings(replies). .----------------------------------------. |VII. Glftpd directory & file structure | `----------------------------------------' 1. /glftpd/ftp-data: The ftp-data directory is where most of the data is stored for the server. It contains subdirectories which contain most of the configurable files for help as well as login/logout. It also contains the logs and all the userfiles. The following is an explanation of all subdirectories: byefiles - Contains the text files displayed to the user when he/she has been deleted. help - Contains all the help files displayed for all the commands used on the site. The main file is This file contains special cookies based on flags for displaying help files based on flags and/or groups. logs - Contains all the glftpd logs and directory/file databases. misc - Contains all the files for welcome, news, logoff as well as other configurable text files. msgs - Contains user messages (site msg) text - Contains all the header, body and footer files for all the stat commands as well as many other text files displayed on the site. users - Contains all of the userfiles. See default.user for a description of all the fields in the userfiles. groups - Contains all of the groupfiles. See for a description of all the fields in the groupfiles. Description of files in ftp-data/logs: - binary files: dirlog - Contains all the directories created via the site. This is used when executing `site new` or `site search`. It should be updated if anything moves on the site. Use glupdate to re-add new directories or to add directories not created through glftpd. glupdate is not recursive, so it must be executed on each directory containing directories you wish to add. Use olddirclean2 to sort your dirlog and remove entries which no longer exist on disk. laston - Contains all the user entries from people that logged in with their actions. nukelog - Contains all the information on nuked directories. dupefile - Contains the dupe database for all files uploaded through glftpd. oneliners - Contains the onliners database. - text files: dupelog - Contains the date and name of all directories made through glftpd. New entries are added to the bottom; old ones are never removed, so you may need to rotate this if it gets too big. This file is used by the 'site dupe' command. error.log - Contains errors that glftpd encounters, like bad homedirs etc. Siteops should examine this frequently (exmp: site errlog 5). glftpd.log - Contains many different actions taken by users, as described in the description of the -l command-line option. Many sitebots tail this file to announce user actions. login.log - Contains login failures due to incorrect IPs or passwds. sysop.log - Contains all siteop-made changes, like adding or removing users, ips, purging, killing, etc. xferlog.log - Contains all the upload/download information for all files transferred (if logging of that is enabled). The format is the following: current time, transfer time, user's hostname, number of bytes sent, filename, 'a' if transfer was in ASCII mode or 'b' if BINARY, _ (meaningless), 'i' if incoming (user uploading) or 'o' if outgoing (user downloading), 'r' (no meaning), user's name, user's group, 1 if user had ident or 0 if not, user's ident request.log - Contains requests that were filled with 'site reqfilled'. 2. /glftpd/etc: The etc directory contains the passwd and group files. This is also the place to store an additional copy of glftpd.conf for scripts that may want to access it as well as anything else that usually resides in /etc that you may need access to under chroot, ie: mtab so your df works under the site. The following is an explanation of the passwd and group files: passwd - This file contains the username, password, UID and home directory for each glftpd user. The format is as follows: glftpd:6uwHOjJ3grid6:0:0:0:/site:/bin/false user:encrypted passwd:UID:GID:Creation Date:homedir:irrelevant group - This file contains all the group information for all your non-private groups. The format is as follows: glftpd:glftpd:0:5 short group name:long group name:GID:irrelevant