#!/bin/sh #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Name: FTP-Chat # # Version: 1.0 # # Last Updated: 2002-07-13 # # Author: loadet (C) 2002 # # Contact: loadet on EFNet or loadet@gbit.dk # # Usage: site say have a nice day! # # Notes: This script makes it possible to talk to sitechannel through ftp. # # Requirements: date echo sitebot ircchannel # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # add this to glftpd.conf # # # # site_cmd SAY EXEC /bin/say.sh # # custom-say !8 * # # # # add this to dZSbot.tcl # # # # set msgtypes(DEFAULT) add SAY # # set disable(SAY) 0 # # set variables(SAY) "%msg %user %group" # # set announce(SAY) "%uline\(%uline%boldSAY%bold\%uline)%uline -> %bold%user%bold@%group says: %msg" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Thnx to insomnia for getting me started on this! Dont try this at home kids =) # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ############# #config done# ############# echo `date "+%a %b %d %T %Y"` SAY: \"$@\" \"$USER\" \"$GROUP\" >> /ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log